Physics Subject Headings - Physh

  1. O(N) symmetry
  2. Ocean energy
  3. Oceanography
  4. Odd-frequency superconductivity
  5. ODMR USE Optically detected magnetic resonance
  6. OLED USE Organic LEDs
  7. Oleophobic surfaces
  8. Omniphobic surfaces
  9. One-dimensional systems USE 1-dimensional systems
  10. Online social networks
  11. Open quantum systems
  12. Open quantum systems & decoherence
  13. Optical & microwave phenomena
  14. Optical absorption spectroscopy
  15. Optical bistability
  16. Optical chaos
  17. Optical cloaking
  18. Optical coherence
  19. Optical conductivity
  20. Optical conformal mapping
  21. Optical desorption spectroscopy
  22. Optical fibers
  23. Optical generation of spin carriers
  24. Optical interferometry
  25. Optical ladders
  26. Optical lattices & traps
  27. Optical materials & elements
  28. Optical media USE Optical materials & elements
  29. Optical metallography
  30. Optical microcavities
  31. Optical microscopy
  32. Optical nanoscopy
  33. Optical parametric oscillators & amplifiers
  34. Optical phonons
  35. Optical photonics
  36. Optical plasma measurements
  37. Optical properties of clusters
  38. Optical pumping
  39. Optical quantum information processing
  40. Optical resonator USE Optical microcavities
  41. Optical second-harmonic generation
  42. Optical solitons
  43. Optical sources
  44. Optical sources & detectors
  45. Optical spectroscopy
  46. Optical spin injection
  47. Optical spin-hall effect USE Topological effects in photonic systems
  48. Optical techniques
  49. Optical tests of quantum theory
  50. Optical transient phenomena
  51. Optical tweezers
  52. Optical vortices
  53. Optical, coupled-channel & distorted wave models
  54. Optical, UV, & IR astronomy
  55. Optically detected magnetic resonance
  56. Optics & lasers
  57. Optimization problems
  58. Optoelectronics
  59. Optomechanics
  60. Orbital angular momentum
  61. Orbital order
  62. Order parameters
  63. Ordered compounds
  64. Organelle
  65. Organic & organometallic chemistry
  66. Organic compounds
  67. Organic electronics
  68. Organic LEDs
  69. Organic microcavities
  70. Organic semiconductors
  71. Organic sensors
  72. Organic superconductors
  73. Organic transistors
  74. Organisms
  75. Organogels
  76. Organometallic materials
  77. Organs
  78. Origami & Kirigami
  79. Orthoexcitons
  80. Oscillator strength
  81. Oscillatory frequency measurements
  82. Oscillatory measurements
  83. Oscillatory shear measurements
  84. Oscillatory stress measurements
  85. Osmosis
  86. Osmotic interactions
  87. Overlapping communities
  88. Oxides