European Education Thesaurus

  1. seminary (ecclesiastical)
  2. semiology
  3. semiòtica [CT] USE semiology
  4. semiótica [GA] USE semiology
  5. semiotika [VS] USE semiology
  6. Semitic languages
  7. sendagilea [VS] USE doctor
  8. Senegal
  9. senidea [VS] USE economics of education
  10. senidea [VS] USE kinship
  11. senior executive USE managerial staff
  12. seniority
  13. sensation
  14. sense of smell
  15. sense of taste
  16. sensibility
  17. sensorimotor activity
  18. sensorimotor coordination
  19. sensorimotor learning
  20. sentence
  21. sentido del gusto [ES] USE sense of taste
  22. sentido del olfato [ES] USE sense of smell
  23. sentit de l'olfacte [CT] USE sense of smell
  24. sentit de la vista [CT] USE visual perception
  25. sentit del gust [CT] USE sense of taste
  26. sentit del tacte [CT] USE tactual perception
  27. sequential learning
  28. serbi [CT] USE Serbian language
  29. Serbia
  30. Serbian language
  31. serbio [GA] USE Serbian language
  32. Serielles Lernen [DE] USE sequential learning
  33. server
  34. service à titre précaire [FR] USE temporary work
  35. service accommodation
  36. service de placement [FR] USE employment service
  37. services
  38. servicio de colocación [GA] USE employment service
  39. Serviço de colocação [PT] USE employment service
  40. setting USE grouping
  41. severely mentally handicapped
  42. severely-subnormal USE severely mentally handicapped
  43. sex
  44. sex difference
  45. sex discrimination
  46. sex education
  47. sex role
  48. sexism
  49. sexology
  50. sexu-abusua [VS] USE sexual offence
  51. sexual behaviour
  52. sexual development
  53. sexual ethics
  54. sexual offence
  55. sexuality
  56. sexually transmitted disease
  57. Seychelles
  58. sfavorito [IT] USE deprived
  59. SGBD [CT] USE database management system
  60. SGBD [FR] USE database management system
  61. SGBD [PT] USE database management system
  62. sheltered workshop
  63. shyness
  64. sibling
  65. sick leave
  66. sickroom
  67. Sierra Leone
  68. sight
  69. sight method
  70. sign
  71. sign language
  72. silent reading
  73. simposi [CT] USE congress
  74. simposio [ES] USE congress
  75. Simpósio [PT] USE congress
  76. simulation
  77. simulation game
  78. simulazione di ruolo [IT] USE role playing
  79. Síndroma da imuno-deficiência adquirida [PT] USE AIDS
  80. sindrome da immuno-deficienza acquisita [IT] USE AIDS
  81. síndrome de Down [ES] USE Down's syndrome
  82. síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida [ES] USE AIDS
  83. síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida [GA] USE AIDS
  84. Singapore
  85. singing
  86. Single European Act
  87. sinposio [VS] USE congress
  88. Sinti [DE] USE gypsy
  89. sistema amichevole [IT] USE user-friendliness
  90. sistema d'ensenyament [CT] USE education system
  91. sistema de ensinanza [GA] USE education system
  92. sistema de ensino [GA] USE education system
  93. sistema di gestione di basi dati [IT] USE database management system
  94. sistema di videoscrittura [IT] USE word processing
  95. sistema formativo [IT] USE education system
  96. sistema logikoa [VS] USE software
  97. sister
  98. Situação económica [PT] USE economic conditions
  99. sixth form USE top form
  100. skill
  101. slang
  102. Slavic languages
  103. sleep
  104. sleep teaching
  105. slide
  106. slide projection
  107. slide projector
  108. Slovak language
  109. Slovakia
  110. Slovene language
  111. Slovenia
  112. slow learner
  113. slow learning
  114. small and medium entreprise
  115. small group
  116. small school
  117. small town
  118. smoking
  119. sobrepeso [GA] USE obesity
  120. sociability
  121. social adjustment
  122. social behaviour
  123. social centre USE community centre
  124. social change
  125. social class
  126. social conflict
  127. social control
  128. social development
  129. social discrimination
  130. social environment
  131. social geography
  132. social guarantee
  133. social handicap
  134. social history
  135. social inequality
  136. social influence
  137. social integration
  138. social interaction
  139. social learning
  140. social mobility
  141. social origin
  142. social partners
  143. social perception
  144. social policy
  145. social promotion
  146. social psychology
  147. social research
  148. social role
  149. social sciences
  150. social sciences
  151. social security
  152. social service
  153. social status
  154. social stratification USE social structure
  155. social structure
  156. social studies
  157. social success
  158. social system
  159. social work
  160. social worker
  161. socialism
  162. socialization
  163. socially disadvantaged USE socially handicapped
  164. socially handicapped
  165. society
  166. socio-cultural activities
  167. socio-cultural environment
  168. socio-economic status
  169. socio-occupational category
  170. socioanalyse [FR] USE institutional research
  171. socioanalysis USE institutional research
  172. sociodrama
  173. sociolinguistics
  174. sociologia educativa [IT] USE educational sociology
  175. sociologist
  176. sociology
  177. sociology of family
  178. sociometry
  179. soddisfazione nel lavoro [IT] USE occupational satisfaction
  180. software
  181. software didaktikoa [VS] USE educational software
  182. software educativo [GA] USE educational software
  183. Software educativo [PT] USE educational software
  184. software interface
  185. software interface [CT] USE software interface
  186. software library
  187. software [CT] USE software
  188. software [GA] USE software
  189. Software [PT] USE software
  190. soinu-artxiboa [VS] USE sound archive
  191. Solothurn
  192. Somalia
  193. son
  194. sonothèque [FR] USE sound archive
  195. soporte físico [ES] USE hardware
  196. soporte lógico [ES] USE software
  197. soporte lóxico educativo [GA] USE educational software
  198. soporte lóxico [GA] USE software
  199. sortida escolar [CT] USE excursion
  200. sostanza stupefacente [IT] USE narcotic