Install TemaTres

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Installing TemaTres


To install TemaTres you will need:

A web server. Most users use Apache, but TemaTres seems to work fine under any web server that supports PHP, such as IIS (Internet Information Server) on Windows platforms.

An installation of PHP (version 4.3.0 or later). PHP 5 is supported.

A database server. TemaTres uses MySQL as a default, but it supports a variety of databases (eg Postgres, Oracle, MS Server).


There are three steps in the installation process

Step 1) Unpack the TemaTres files in a directory which can be accessed by your web server (eg /var/www/tematres or c\xampp\htdocs\tematres )

Step 2) Edit the database configuration file. This is db.tematres.php. It is located in the default directory of the controlled vocabulary. (eg /var/www/tematres/vocab/).

Selecting the type of database server to use. If left blank it will use MySql.
$ DBCFG ["DBdriver"] = "";
IP address or name of the database server, for example, localhost
$ DBCFG ["Server"] = "localhost";
Name of the database
$ DBCFG ["DBName"] = "tematres";
User name to connect to the database
$ DBCFG ["dblogin"] = "root";
User password to connect to the database  
$ DBCFG ["dbpass"] = "";
Prefix for tables in this controlled vocabulary
$ DBCFG ["dbprefix"] = "LC_";

Step 3) Go to the TemaTres installation directory with your browser. You will need to provide a name for the vocabulary, to add your name as the administrator and to provide an email and password, which you will use to log in subsequently.

NOTE: It is possible to add a new directory for each new vocabulary. This can be done by copying the existing vocab folder (eg /vocab2 ), and using this as the target for your browser (eg /localhost/tematres/vocab2. ). For each new vocab folder you will need to edit the database configuration file. When you first use the new vocab folder you will need to follow the same process of entering new vocabulary and administrator details. If you want to use the same database for the new vocabulary, you can simply change the prefix for the tables in the new controlled vocabulary.

Problem with MySql mode

Change config file included in /etc/mysql/my.cnf.

[mysqld] sql_mode=""

After this change run below commands

sudo service mysql stop sudo service mysql start

Source: MySql Documentation: More about problems between Mysql 5.5 and 5.6