APT Australian Pictorial Thesaurus

  1. H.G. Palmer (televisions)
  2. haberdasheries
  3. haberdashers' shops USE haberdasheries
  4. haberdashery
  5. haberdashery shops USE haberdasheries
  6. habits USE manners & customs
  7. habits (clothing)
  8. habits (horseriding)
  9. hacks
  10. hail
  11. hair (people)
  12. hair cutting USE haircutting
  13. hair dryers
  14. hair spray
  15. hair styles USE hairstyles
  16. haircutting
  17. hairdos USE hairstyles
  18. hairdressers
  19. hairdressing
  20. hairdressing classes
  21. hairdressing salons
  22. hairdressing schools
  23. hairdressing shops
  24. hairdryers USE hair dryers
  25. hairpieces USE wigs
  26. hairspray USE hair spray
  27. hairstyles
  28. hairstyling USE hairdressing
  29. hairtrimming USE haircutting
  30. hakas
  31. Hakea USE hakeas
  32. hakeas
  33. Halbert honey (watermelons)
  34. halftones
  35. halfway houses
  36. Halifax (bombers)
  37. halls
  38. hallstands
  39. hallways
  40. ham
  41. ham & beef shops USE delicatessens
  42. hamburger bars
  43. hamburgers
  44. hamlets USE settlements
  45. hammer and sickle flag USE Russian flags
  46. hammer throw
  47. hammer throwers
  48. hammer throwing USE hammer throw
  49. hammers (tools)
  50. hammocks
  51. Hampshire (sheep)
  52. Hampshire Down (sheep)
  53. Hampshire Downs (sheep) USE Hampshire Down (sheep)
  54. Hampshire Lincoln (sheep)
  55. Hampshire Lincoln Merino (sheep)
  56. Hampshire Merino (sheep)
  57. hand
  58. hand bags USE handbags
  59. hand books USE handbooks
  60. hand carts USE handcarts
  61. hand grenades USE grenades
  62. hand hooks USE bag hooks
  63. hand tools USE tools
  64. hand trucks USE handcarts
  65. hand winches
  66. hand writing USE handwriting
  67. hand-bags USE handbags
  68. handbags
  69. handball
  70. handball courts
  71. handbells
  72. handbills
  73. handbooks
  74. handcarts
  75. handcuffs
  76. handgun control USE gun control
  77. handguns USE guns (small arms)
  78. handicapped people USE disabled people
  79. handicraft
  80. handicrafts
  81. handkerchiefs
  82. Handley Page HP 42 (biplanes)
  83. Handley Page Victor (jet bombers)
  84. handpass USE handball
  85. handpass courts USE handball courts
  86. handrails
  87. hands (people)
  88. handshaking USE shaking hands
  89. handtrucks USE handcarts
  90. handwriting
  91. hang gliders
  92. hang-gliding
  93. hangars
  94. hanging baskets
  95. hangings (capital punishment)
  96. Hansen's disease USE leprosy
  97. hansom cabs
  98. Hanson (lettuces)
  99. Hanuka USE Hanukkah
  100. Hanukkah
  101. harbour construction
  102. harbour construction depots
  103. harbour cruises
  104. harbour pilots USE ships' pilots
  105. harbour water USE sea water
  106. harbourmasters
  107. harbours
  108. Hard Federation (oats)
  109. Hard Federation (wheat)
  110. hard gut mullet
  111. hardhats USE helmets
  112. hardware (industrial equipment)
  113. hardware shops
  114. hardware stores USE hardware shops
  115. Hardys Mammoth (olive)
  116. Hare Krishnas
  117. hares
  118. haricot beans USE French beans
  119. Harley-Davidson (motorcycles)
  120. harlots USE prostitutes
  121. harmonicas
  122. harmoniums
  123. harness USE harnesses (animal)
  124. harness racing
  125. harnesses (animal)
  126. harnesses (human)
  127. harnessing
  128. Harpephyllum caffrum USE Kaffir plums (trees)
  129. harpists
  130. harpoons
  131. harps
  132. harpsichords
  133. Harpulias
  134. harriers
  135. harrowing
  136. harrows
  137. harrows, disc USE disc harrows
  138. Hart Parr (tractors)
  139. Harvard (jet trainer)
  140. harvest festivals
  141. harvesters
  142. harvesting
  143. harvesting machinery USE harvesters
  144. hat boxes USE hatboxes
  145. hat factories
  146. hat shops
  147. hatboxes
  148. hatcheries (fish)
  149. hatchets
  150. hatmakers USE hatters
  151. hats
  152. hatshops USE hat shops
  153. hatters
  154. haul trucks
  155. Haulpaks (trucks) USE haul trucks
  156. haversacks
  157. Hawaiian artefacts
  158. Hawaiians
  159. Hawk Moth (aeroplanes) USE De Havilland DH 75 Hawk Moth (aeroplanes)
  160. Hawker Australian Demon (biplanes) USE Hawker Demon (biplanes)
  161. Hawker Demon (biplanes)
  162. Hawker Sea Fury (aeroplanes)
  163. hawkers
  164. Hawkesbury Hogan (maize)
  165. hawks
  166. hay
  167. hay bales
  168. hay wagons
  169. haycarts
  170. haying machines
  171. hayloading
  172. haymaking
  173. haysheds
  174. haystacks
  175. hazardous wastes
  176. haze USE mists
  177. hazel USE native pears
  178. HD Holden (cars) USE Holden HD (cars)
  179. HD Holden (station wagons) USE Holden HD (station wagons)
  180. head dresses USE headdresses
  181. headdresses
  182. headers (farm machines)
  183. headframes
  184. headgear
  185. headlands
  186. headmasters USE principals (schools & colleges)
  187. headmistresses USE principals (schools & colleges)
  188. headphones
  189. heads (land) USE headlands
  190. heads (people)
  191. headstones USE gravestones
  192. headwear USE headgear
  193. health USE medical sciences & health
  194. health & medical centres
  195. health & welfare objects
  196. health and safety
  197. health care disciplines USE medical specialities
  198. health centres
  199. health checks USE medical examinations
  200. health education USE health promotion