Thesaurus for Use in College and University Archives

  1. academic affairs
  2. academic costume
  3. academic credentials
  4. academic departments
  5. academic freedom
  6. academic probation
  7. acapella groups
  8. accidents
  9. accounting
  10. accounting (field of study)
  11. accreditation
  12. acting
  13. administration USE academic affairs
  14. administration of employees
  15. administration of students
  16. administrators
  17. admission
  18. advanced placement
  19. advisory bodies
  20. aerial views
  21. affirmative action
  22. African American alumni and alumnae
  23. African American students
  24. African American women
  25. African Americans
  26. African studies
  27. Afro-American studies
  28. agricultural extension
  29. agricultural scholarships
  30. agriculture
  31. air raid wardens
  32. airports
  33. alcohol sales
  34. alcohol use
  35. alumnae
  36. alumni
  37. alumni and alumnae USE alcohol use
  38. alumni and alumnae attitudes
  39. alumni and alumnae employment
  40. alumni and alumnae funds
  41. alumni and alumnae papers
  42. alumni and alumnae poems
  43. alumni and alumnae political activity
  44. alumni and alumnae social life and customs
  45. alumni and alumnae social networks
  46. alumni and alumnae societies
  47. alumni and alumnae socioeconomic status
  48. alumni and alumnae with disabilities
  49. American Indians
  50. American Revolution, 1775-1783
  51. anatomy
  52. anniversaries
  53. annual reports
  54. anthropology
  55. anti-apartheid movements
  56. antisemitism
  57. appointments
  58. Arabic
  59. arbitration
  60. arboretums
  61. archaeological collections
  62. archaeological expeditions
  63. archaeology
  64. architecture (field of study)
  65. archives
  66. area studies
  67. art collections
  68. art exhibitions
  69. art history
  70. artifacts
  71. Asian Americans
  72. assistantships
  73. astronomy
  74. astrophysics
  75. athletes
  76. athletic competitions
  77. athletic conferences
  78. athletic eligibility
  79. athletic managers
  80. atomic scientists
  81. attitudes
  82. auctions
  83. auditing
  84. auditoriums
  85. automation
  86. automobiles
  87. awards