EARTh - Environmental Applications Reference Thesaurus

  1. lCER USE long term CER
  2. LD50 USE lethal dose 50%
  3. leachate
  4. leaching
  5. lead
  6. lead (minerals)
  7. lead (navigation)
  8. lead agency
  9. lead contamination
  10. lead exposure
  11. lead oxide
  12. lead time
  13. lead-free gasoline USE unleaded gasoline
  14. lead-in-petrol law
  15. leaf
  16. leak
  17. leakage
  18. leakage detection
  19. leaky aquifer USE semi-confined aquifer
  20. leapfrogging
  21. learning
  22. learning through experience
  23. least concern species
  24. least-squares analysis
  25. leather
  26. leather industry
  27. left bank
  28. legacy emission
  29. legal fees
  30. legionellosis
  31. legionnaire disease USE legionellosis
  32. legislation
  33. legislation on discharges USE discharge legislation
  34. legislation on environmental impact assessment USE environmental impact assessment legislation
  35. legislation on waste USE waste legislation
  36. legislation on water resources USE water resources legislation
  37. leguminous plant
  38. leisure USE leisure activity
  39. leisure activity
  40. leisure area USE recreation area
  41. leisure centre
  42. leisure facility USE recreation facility
  43. lenght of reservoir
  44. lens
  45. lenthic water bodies
  46. lentic water
  47. lentic water ecosystem
  48. Leopold matrix
  49. lepidopteran
  50. leptosols
  51. leptospirosis
  52. lesion USE injury
  53. less developed country
  54. lethal concentration 50%
  55. lethal dose
  56. lethal dose 50%
  57. leucite
  58. leukaemia
  59. levee
  60. level crossing
  61. level of economic development
  62. level of scientific understanding
  63. level variation
  64. leveling
  65. levelling machine
  66. levy
  67. levy on plastic bags
  68. levy on the landfilling of waste
  69. lexicon
  70. Li USE lithium
  71. liability
  72. liability for marine accidents
  73. liability for nuclear damages
  74. librarians
  75. libraries
  76. licence USE permission
  77. licencing obligation
  78. lichen
  79. life
  80. life boat
  81. life cycle
  82. life cycle analysis
  83. life cycle effect
  84. life cycle management
  85. life expectancy at birth
  86. life science
  87. life span
  88. life stage
  89. life support system
  90. life-saving service USE rescue service
  91. lifeline
  92. lifestyle
  93. lifetime
  94. light
  95. light dispersion
  96. light distillates
  97. light pollution
  98. lighthouse
  99. lighting
  100. lightning
  101. lightning conductors USE lightning rods
  102. lightning injury
  103. lightning rods
  104. lightning strike
  105. lignite
  106. lignite (rocks)
  107. lignite mining
  108. lime
  109. lime-deficient USE calcium-deficiency
  110. lime-rich USE calcium-richness
  111. limestone
  112. limicolous fauna
  113. liming
  114. limit load
  115. limit value
  116. limiting factor
  117. limiting value
  118. limnic eruption
  119. limnigram
  120. limnigraph
  121. limnimeter USE staff gauge
  122. limnimetry
  123. limnology
  124. limonite
  125. lindane
  126. line
  127. line source
  128. lineament
  129. linear distortion
  130. linear material
  131. linear source
  132. linear source of noise
  133. lineation
  134. linguistics
  135. lipid
  136. lipophilic substance
  137. liquefaction
  138. liquefied gas
  139. liquefied natural gas
  140. liquefied petroleum gas
  141. liquefied petroleum gas explosion
  142. liquefied petroleum gas fire
  143. liquefied petroleum gas industry
  144. liquefied petroleum gas storage
  145. liquefied petroleum gas tank
  146. liquefied petroleum gas transportation
  147. liquid
  148. liquid bleach
  149. liquid fuel
  150. liquid manure
  151. liquid state
  152. liquid waste
  153. liquid waste disposal
  154. liquid waste recycling
  155. listric fault
  156. literature data bank
  157. lithium
  158. lithofacies
  159. lithogenesis USE petrogenesis
  160. lithologic map
  161. lithology
  162. lithosphere
  163. lithostratigraphy
  164. lithotopes
  165. litigation
  166. litter
  167. litter-bag USE garbage bag
  168. littoral
  169. littoral drift
  170. littoral lake USE coastal lakes
  171. littoral pollution
  172. littoral protection USE coastal protection
  173. littoral vegetation
  174. live storage
  175. liverwort
  176. livestock
  177. livestock breeding
  178. livestock farming
  179. living being USE organisms
  180. living condition
  182. living environment
  183. living fossil
  184. living marine resource
  185. living modified organisms
  186. living space
  187. lixisols
  188. lixiviation
  189. lizards
  190. LMOs USE living modified organisms
  191. LNG USE liquefied natural gas
  192. load bearing capacity
  193. load control
  194. load pressure
  195. load test
  196. loading
  197. loam USE silt
  198. local
  199. local administration USE local government
  200. local Agenda 21