EARTh - Environmental Applications Reference Thesaurus

  1. V USE vanadium
  2. V-notch weir
  3. vaccination
  4. valency
  5. valleys
  6. valorisation of waste
  7. value
  8. value added
  9. value analysis
  10. value system
  11. valued ecosystem component
  12. vanadate
  13. vanadium
  14. vandalism
  15. vane apparatus
  16. vane test
  17. vanished species
  18. vaporisation
  19. vapour
  20. vapour pressure
  21. vapour recovery system
  22. variance analysis
  23. variation
  24. variety collection
  25. varnish
  26. varnish industry USE paint industry
  27. varve
  28. vascular plants
  29. vault dam USE arch dams
  30. VCM USE Vinyl Chloride
  31. VEC USE valued ecosystem component
  32. vector
  33. vector control
  34. vector of human diseases
  35. vector to raster
  36. vector-borne diseases
  37. vegetable
  38. vegetable USE plant (biology)
  39. vegetable compost
  40. vegetable fuel
  41. vegetable garden
  42. vegetable oil
  43. vegetable waste
  44. vegetation
  45. vegetation cover
  46. vegetation dynamics
  47. vegetation level
  48. vegetation stage
  49. vegetation type
  50. vegetation zone
  51. vegetative propagation
  52. vehicle efficiency
  53. vehicle efficiency improvements
  54. vehicle exhaust gas
  55. vehicle inspection
  56. vehicle manufacturing industry
  57. vehicle rescue
  58. vehicle roadworthiness test
  59. vehicle warning system
  60. vehicles
  61. vein system
  62. veins
  63. velocity curve
  64. velocity rod
  65. velocity-area method
  66. vena contracta
  67. vent
  68. ventilation
  69. verge
  70. vergence
  71. vermiculite
  72. vermin
  73. vertebrae
  74. vertebrate
  75. vertical zonation
  76. vertical-component seismographs
  77. vertisols
  78. vessels USE ships
  79. veterinarian
  80. veterinary hygiene
  81. veterinary medicine
  82. veterinary pharmaceutical
  83. veterinary product USE veterinary pharmaceutical
  84. viaducts
  85. vibration
  86. vibration damping
  87. vibration pollution
  88. vibration protection measures
  89. vibration source
  90. victim
  91. victim evacuation USE evacuation of casualties
  92. victim of crime
  93. video library
  94. villages
  95. vinasse
  96. vineyards
  97. Vinyl Chloride
  98. Vinyl Chloride Monomer USE Vinyl Chloride
  99. Vinyl Chloride Monomer production
  100. violation
  101. violence
  102. virology
  103. virus
  104. viscosity
  105. viscosity coefficient
  106. visibility
  107. visibility limit
  108. visible radiation
  109. visitor centre
  110. visual nuisance
  111. visual perception
  112. vitamin D
  113. vitamins
  114. viticulture
  115. vitrification
  116. vivisection
  117. vocational training
  118. VOCs USE volatile organic compounds
  119. volatile organic compounds
  120. volatile substance
  121. volatile waste
  122. volatilisation
  123. volatility
  124. volcanic arc
  125. volcanic area
  126. volcanic ash
  127. volcanic belt
  128. volcanic bomb
  129. volcanic breccia
  130. volcanic cone
  131. volcanic dome
  132. volcanic earthquake
  133. volcanic eruption
  134. volcanic field
  135. volcanic gases
  136. volcanic hazard assessment
  137. volcanic island
  138. volcanic landforms
  139. volcanic morphology
  140. volcanic neck
  141. volcanic pipe
  142. volcanic risk
  143. volcanic rocks USE extrusive rocks
  144. volcanic soil
  145. volcanic zone USE volcanic area
  146. volcaniclastics
  147. volcanism
  148. volcano-tectonic depression
  149. volcanoes
  150. volcanologist
  151. volcanology
  152. volcanotectonics
  153. voltaic generators
  154. voltammetry
  155. volume
  156. voluntary agreement
  157. voluntary organisation
  158. voluntary work
  159. volunteer
  160. volunteer legal status
  161. volunteer recruitment
  162. volunteer retention
  163. vortex
  164. VRT USE vehicle roadworthiness test
  165. vulcanian-type eruption
  166. vulcanisation
  167. vulcanology USE volcanology
  168. vulnerability
  169. vulnerability analysis
  170. vulnerability assessment
  171. vulnerability mapping
  172. vulnerability reduction
  173. vulnerable area
  174. vulnerable ecosystem
  175. vulnerable population
  176. vulnerable species