Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)

  1. Canada
  2. Carving & carvings
  3. Catalogs arranged by author, date, etc.
  4. Causation
  5. Celestial mechanics
  6. Celestial navigation
  7. Central Africa & offshore islands
  8. Central Asia
  9. Central Europe; Germany
  10. Ceramic & allied technologies
  11. Ceramic arts
  12. Change
  13. Chemical engineering
  14. Chemical engineering
  15. Chemistry
  16. Chemistry & allied sciences
  17. Child rearing & home care of persons
  18. Chile
  19. China & adjacent areas
  20. China to 420
  21. Chordates
  22. Christian denominations
  23. Christian denominations & sects
  24. Christian ethics
  25. Christian experience, practice & life
  26. Christian moral & devotional theology
  27. Christian observances in family life
  28. Christian orders & local church
  29. Christian organization, social work & worship
  30. Christian pastoral practice & religious orders
  31. Christian practice & observance
  32. Christianity & Christian theology
  33. Christianity & Christian theology
  34. Chromolithography & serigraphy
  35. Chronology
  36. Church furnishings & articles
  37. Civic & landscape art
  38. Civil & political rights
  39. Civil engineering
  40. Civil procedure & courts
  41. Classical & modern Greek languages
  42. Classical & modern Greek literatures
  43. Classical Greek dictionaries
  44. Classical Greek dramatic poetry & drama
  45. Classical Greek epic poetry & fiction
  46. Classical Greek etymology
  47. Classical Greek grammar
  48. Classical Greek humor & satire
  49. Classical Greek letters
  50. Classical Greek lyric poetry
  51. Classical Greek miscellaneous writings
  52. Classical Greek poetry
  53. Classical Greek speeches
  54. Classical Greek usage
  55. Classical Greek writing & phonology
  56. Classical Latin dictionaries
  57. Classical Latin etymology
  58. Classical Latin grammar
  59. Classical Latin usage
  60. Classical Latin writing & phonology
  61. Classical mechanics; solid mechanics
  62. Cleaning, color & coating technologies
  63. Clothing & accessories
  64. Cold-blooded vertebrates; fishes
  65. Collected accounts of events
  66. Collections in American English
  67. Collections in English
  68. Collections in French, Occitan & Catalan
  69. Collections in Italian, Romanian & related languages
  70. Collections in other Germanic languages
  71. Collections in other languages
  72. Collections in Scandinavian languages
  73. Collections in Slavic languages
  74. Collections in Spanish & Portuguese
  75. Collections of general statistics
  76. Colombia & Ecuador
  77. Color
  78. Commerce
  79. Commerce, communications & transportation
  80. Commerce, communications & transportation
  81. Communications; telecommunication
  82. Communities
  83. Comparative psychology
  84. Computer art (Digital art)
  85. Computer programming, programs & data
  86. Computer science, information & general works
  87. Computer science, information & general works
  88. Computer science, knowledge & systems
  89. Concepts of God
  90. Constitutional & administrative law
  91. Cooperatives
  92. Cosmology
  93. Costume & personal appearance
  94. Creation
  95. Creeds & catechisms
  96. Criminal law
  97. Criminology
  98. Critical philosophy
  99. Crystallography
  100. Culture & institutions
  101. Curricula
  102. Customs of life cycle & domestic life
  103. Customs of war & diplomacy
  104. Customs, etiquette & folklore
  105. Customs, etiquette & folklore