Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)

  1. Galleries, museums & private collections
  2. Games of chance
  3. Garden crops (Horticulture)
  4. Gas mechanics
  5. Genealogy, names & insignia
  6. General clubs
  7. General collections
  8. General considerations of public administration
  9. General customs
  10. General encyclopedic works
  11. General libraries
  12. General management
  13. General organizations & museum science
  14. General principles & musical forms
  15. General principles of mathematics
  16. General serial publications
  17. General statistics of Africa
  18. General statistics of Asia
  19. General statistics of Europe
  20. General statistics of North America
  21. General statistics of other areas
  22. General statistics of South America
  23. General subject catalogs
  24. Genetics & evolution
  25. Genre paintings
  26. Geographic & persons treatment
  27. Geography & travel
  28. Geography & travel
  29. Geography of & travel in Africa
  30. Geography of & travel in ancient world
  31. Geography of & travel in Asia
  32. Geography of & travel in Europe
  33. Geography of & travel in North America
  34. Geography of & travel in other areas
  35. Geography of & travel in South America
  36. Geology, hydrology & meteorology
  37. Geometry
  38. German & related languages
  39. German & related literatures
  40. German dictionaries
  41. German drama
  42. German essays
  43. German etymology
  44. German fiction
  45. German grammar
  46. German humor & satire
  47. German language variations
  48. German letters
  49. German miscellaneous writings
  50. German poetry
  51. German speeches
  52. German writing systems & phonology
  53. Germanic languages; German
  54. Germanic religion
  55. Glass
  56. God
  57. Gospels & Acts
  58. Grammar
  59. Graphic arts
  60. Graphic arts; printmaking & prints
  61. Great Basin & Pacific Slope region
  62. Greece to 323
  63. Greek & Roman religion
  64. Greek, Etruscan & Roman sculpture
  65. Guiana
  66. Gymnosperms; conifers
  67. Gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics & geriatrics