Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)

  1. Painting
  2. Painting & paintings
  3. Paleobotany; fossil microorganisms
  4. Paleontology; paleozoology
  5. Palestine to 70
  6. Pantheism & related systems
  7. Paraguay & Uruguay
  8. Parapsychological & occult methods
  9. Parapsychology & occultism
  10. Parapsychology & occultism
  11. Parish administration
  12. Pastoral care of families & kinds of persons
  13. Pastoral office & work
  14. Penal & related institutions
  15. Perception, movement, emotions & drives
  16. Persecutions in church history
  17. Personal health & safety
  18. Personnel management
  19. Perspective
  20. Peru
  21. Petrology
  22. Pharmacology & therapeutics
  23. Philosophical schools of thought
  24. Philosophy
  25. Philosophy & psychology
  26. Philosophy & psychology
  27. Philosophy & theory
  28. Philosophy & theory
  29. Philosophy & theory
  30. Philosophy & theory
  31. Philosophy & theory
  32. Philosophy & theory of religion
  33. Philosophy & theory of religion
  34. Philosophy in other geographic areas
  35. Philosophy of British Isles
  36. Philosophy of fine & decorative arts
  37. Philosophy of former Soviet Union
  38. Philosophy of France
  39. Philosophy of Germany & Austria
  40. Philosophy of Italy
  41. Philosophy of Scandinavia
  42. Philosophy of Spain & Portugal
  43. Philosophy of United States & Canada
  44. Phonology & phonetics
  45. Photographs
  46. Photography & computer art
  47. Photography, photographs & computer art
  48. Phrenology
  49. Physical chemistry
  50. Physics
  51. Physics
  52. Physiognomy
  53. Physiology & related subjects
  54. Pigment processes of printing
  55. Plant injuries, diseases & pests
  56. Plants (Botany)
  57. Plants (Botany)
  58. Plants noted for characteristics & flowers
  59. Plastic arts; sculpture
  60. Platonic philosophy
  61. Poetic books of Old Testament
  62. Political ethics
  63. Political science
  64. Political science
  65. Portuguese
  66. Portuguese literature
  67. Postal communication
  68. Pre-Socratic Greek philosophies
  69. Preaching
  70. Precision instruments & other devices
  71. Preclassical & postclassical Greek
  72. Presbyterian, Reformed & Congregational
  73. Printed books
  74. Printing & related activities
  75. Prints
  76. Private law
  77. Probabilities & applied mathematics
  78. Processes of written communication
  79. Processes, forms & subjects of sculpture
  80. Processing dairy & related products
  81. Production
  82. Prohibited works, forgeries & hoaxes
  83. Prophetic books of Old Testament
  84. Protestants of Continental origin
  85. Psychology
  86. Psychology
  87. Public administration
  88. Public administration & military science
  89. Public administration & military science
  90. Public finance
  91. Public performances
  92. Public policy issues in education
  93. Public structures
  94. Public worship
  95. Public worship & other practices
  96. Pulp & paper technology