Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)

  1. Sacraments, other rites & acts
  2. Salvation & grace
  3. Sanitary & municipal engineering
  4. Scandinavia
  5. Schools & their activities; special education
  6. Science
  7. Science
  8. Science & religion
  9. Sculpture from 1400
  10. Sculpture from ca. 500 to 1399
  11. Sculpture to ca. 500
  12. Sculpture, ceramics & metalwork
  13. Sea forces & warfare
  14. Secondary education
  15. Sects & reform movements
  16. Seedless plants
  17. Sensationalism
  18. Serial publications
  19. Serial publications
  20. Serial publications
  21. Serial publications
  22. Serial publications
  23. Serial publications
  24. Serial publications of fine & decorative arts
  25. Serials in American English
  26. Serials in English
  27. Serials in French, Occitan & Catalan
  28. Serials in Italian, Romanian & related languages
  29. Serials in other Germanic languages
  30. Serials in other languages
  31. Serials in Scandinavian languages
  32. Serials in Slavic languages
  33. Serials in Spanish & Portuguese
  34. Sewing, clothing & personal living
  35. Shorthand
  36. Siberia (Asiatic Russia)
  37. Sign languages
  38. Skeptic & Neoplatonic philosophies
  39. Slavery & emancipation
  40. Small forge work (Blacksmithing)
  41. Social & ecclesiastical theology
  42. Social groups
  43. Social interaction
  44. Social problems & services; associations
  45. Social problems & social services
  46. Social problems & social welfare in general
  47. Social processes
  48. Social sciences
  49. Social sciences
  50. Social sciences, sociology & anthropology
  51. Social theology
  52. Social welfare problems & services
  53. Socialism & related systems
  54. Sociology & anthropology
  55. Socratic & related philosophies
  56. Sound & related vibrations
  57. Sources
  58. South American native languages
  59. South American native literatures
  60. South Asia; India
  61. South central United States
  62. South Indian Ocean islands
  63. Southeast Asia
  64. Southeastern United States
  65. Southern Africa; Republic of South Africa
  66. Space
  67. Spanish & Portuguese languages
  68. Spanish & Portuguese languages
  69. Spanish & Portuguese literatures
  70. Spanish & Portuguese literatures
  71. Spanish dictionaries
  72. Spanish drama
  73. Spanish essays
  74. Spanish etymology
  75. Spanish fiction
  76. Spanish grammar
  77. Spanish humor & satire
  78. Spanish language variations
  79. Spanish letters
  80. Spanish miscellaneous writings
  81. Spanish poetry
  82. Spanish speeches
  83. Spanish writing systems & phonology
  84. Special computer methods
  85. Special topics
  86. Special topics
  87. Special topics in fine & decorative arts
  88. Specific celestial bodies & phenomena
  89. Specific fields of public administration
  90. Specific materials & purposes
  91. Specific parts of & systems in plants
  92. Specific philosophical schools
  93. Specific physiological systems in animals
  94. Specific topics in natural history
  95. Specific topics in natural history
  96. Specific topics in parapsychology & occultism
  97. Spiritual beings
  98. Spiritual renewal
  99. Sports, games & entertainment
  100. Stage presentations
  101. Standard English usage
  102. Standard French usage
  103. Standard German usage
  104. Standard Italian usage
  105. Standard Spanish usage
  106. Standard usage & applied linguistics
  107. Statistics
  108. Stoic philosophy
  109. Stringed instruments
  110. Structure
  111. Structures in landscape architecture
  112. Subconscious & altered states
  113. Surgery & related medical specialties
  114. Syllogisms
  115. Symbolism, allegory, mythology & legend
  116. Systems
  117. Systems of governments & states