URL | https://vocabularyserver.com/glin/de/ |
Sprache | de |
Angelegt | 31/12/1998 |
Letzte Aktualisierung am | 16/12/2011 |
Keywords | legal issues, legal resources, United States,Laws,Judicial Decisions,Legislative Records, Legal Literature |
Beschreibung | The Subject Term Index is a thesaurus of Subject Terms authorized for use in indexing the records contained in GLIN. This is a Tematres version based on the source available at www.glin.gov |
NAAN | 99152/t3 |
Angelegte Begriffe | 1141 Show recent changes |
Angelegte Synonymbegriffe | 9 |
Hierarchical relationships | 1762 |
Associative relationships | 17573 |
Scope note | 391 |
API | https://vocabularyserver.com/glin/de/services.php |
Version | TemaTres 3.3 |