Global Legal Information Network (GLIN)

  1. G.C.C. USE Gulf Cooperation Council
  2. Gambling
  3. Games of chance USE Gambling
  4. Gangs (criminal) USE Organized crime
  5. Gangsters USE Organized crime
  6. Garment industry USE Clothing industry
  7. Gas USE Natural gas
  8. Gasohol USE Alcohol as fuel
  9. Gasoline USE Petroleum
  10. Gasoline USE Petroleum products
  11. GATT
  12. Gay marriage USE Same-sex unions
  13. Gay rights USE Homosexuals
  14. Gays USE Homosexuals
  15. Geese USE Poultry
  16. Gems USE Precious stones
  17. Gemstones USE Precious stones
  18. Gene altered food and feeds USE Genetically modified food and feeds
  19. Gene splicing USE Biotechnology
  20. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade USE GATT
  21. General deposit warehouses USE Warehouses
  22. General Partnerships USE Partnerships (businesses)
  23. General practice of medicine USE Medical care
  24. General welfare USE Public welfare
  25. Genetic engineering USE Biotechnology
  26. Genetic evidence USE DNA fingerprints
  27. Genetic fingerprinting USE DNA fingerprints
  28. Genetic fingerprints USE DNA fingerprints
  29. Genetic identification USE DNA fingerprints
  30. Genetic intervention USE Biotechnology
  31. Genetic manipulation USE Biotechnology
  32. Genetic resources, Animal USE Biological diversity
  33. Genetic resources, Plant USE Biological diversity
  34. Genetic samples USE DNA fingerprints
  35. Genetic surgery USE Biotechnology
  36. Genetically altered organisms USE Genetically modified organisms
  37. Genetically altered seeds USE Genetically modified seeds
  38. Genetically engineered animal feeds USE Genetically modified food and feeds
  39. Genetically engineered food and feeds USE Genetically modified food and feeds
  40. Genetically engineered organisms USE Genetically modified organisms
  41. Genetically engineered seeds USE Genetically modified seeds
  42. Genetically manipulated seeds USE Genetically modified seeds
  43. Genetically modified food and feeds
  44. Genetically modified organisms
  45. Genetically modified seeds
  46. Genetics, Engineered USE Biotechnology
  47. Genital herpes USE Herpes genitalis
  48. Genital mutilation USE Female circumcision
  49. Genocide
  50. Geographers
  51. Geography
  52. Geological mapping
  53. Geological surveys USE Geological mapping
  54. Geologists
  55. Geology
  56. Germ warfare USE Biological weapons
  57. Get-rich-quick schemes USE Swindling
  58. Getting married USE Marriage
  59. Gift tax
  60. Gifts
  61. Glacier melting USE Climate change
  62. Global climate change USE Climate change
  63. Global temperature change USE Climate change
  64. Global terrorism USE Terrorism
  65. Global warming USE Climate change
  66. Globes of the earth USE Maps
  67. GM animal feeds USE Genetically modified food and feeds
  68. GM feeds USE Genetically modified food and feeds
  69. GM food USE Genetically modified food and feeds
  70. GM food and feeds USE Genetically modified food and feeds
  71. GM products USE Genetically modified organisms
  72. GMO seeds USE Genetically modified seeds
  73. GMOs USE Genetically modified organisms
  74. Godowns USE Warehouses
  75. Gold
  76. Gonorrhea
  77. Goodwill (commercial) USE Property
  78. Governance USE Politics and government
  79. Government USE Politics and government
  80. Government administration USE Public administration
  81. Government and religion USE Religion
  82. Government bonds USE Public debt
  83. Government consultants USE Consultants to government
  84. Government contracts
  85. Government corporations USE State corporations
  86. Government corruption USE Government ethics
  87. Government debt USE Public debt
  88. Government decentralization USE Decentralization
  89. Government decision-making with public input USE Citizen participation
  90. Government employees
  91. Government employees' health insurance USE Health care plans
  92. Government ethics
  93. Government fees USE Rates and fees
  94. Government finance
  95. Government functions USE Government organization
  96. Government grants to exploit public resources USE Concessions
  97. Government honesty USE Government ethics
  98. Government literacy programs USE Literacy
  99. Government morality USE Government ethics
  100. Government online USE E-Government
  101. Government operations USE Government organization
  102. Government organization
  103. Government procurement USE Government contracts
  104. Government property
  105. Government property, Surplus USE Surplus government property
  106. Government publications
  107. Government purchasing USE Government contracts
  108. Government securities USE Public debt
  109. Government spying USE Intelligence services
  110. Government structure USE Government organization
  111. Government surveys USE Surveys
  112. Government trusts
  113. Government warehouses
  114. Government websites USE E-Government
  115. Government workers USE Government employees
  116. Government-administered lands USE Public lands
  117. Government-citizen mediators USE Ombudsman
  118. Government-owned businesses USE State corporations
  119. Government-owned forests USE Public forests
  120. Government-owned property, Surplus USE Surplus government property
  121. Governmental hearings or inquiries
  122. Governmental warehouses USE Government warehouses
  123. Governments, Claims against USE Claims against the State
  124. Governments, Legal actions against USE Claims against the State
  125. Graft USE Swindling
  126. Grain
  127. Granting of Independence USE National independence
  128. Grants to exploit public resources USE Concessions
  129. Granuloma venereum
  130. Grapes and raisins USE Fruit
  131. Grapes in wine production USE Wine
  132. Gratuitous workers USE Volunteers
  133. Green diesel USE Biodiesel
  134. Greenhouse effect USE Greenhouse gases
  135. Greenhouse gases
  136. Greenwich time USE Time
  137. Grift USE Swindling
  138. Grippe USE Influenza
  139. Grounds for lawsuits USE Actions and defenses
  140. Grounds for lawsuits against governments USE Claims against the State
  141. Groups USE Associations
  142. Groups, Charitable USE Charitable institutions
  143. Growing tobacco USE Tobacco and smoking
  144. Guardian and ward
  145. Guards, Private USE Private police and security services
  146. Guerrilla wars USE War
  147. Guides USE Tour guides
  148. Gulf Cooperation Council
  149. Gym classes USE Physical education and training