Global Legal Information Network (GLIN)

  1. Vacations
  2. Vaccines and vaccinations
  3. Vaduz Convention of 2001 USE European Free Trade Association
  4. Vagrancy
  5. Value-added tax
  6. VAT USE Value-added tax
  7. Vegetable growing USE Vegetables
  8. Vegetable industry USE Vegetables
  9. Vegetable juices USE Vegetables
  10. Vegetable oils, Edible USE Edible oils and fats
  11. Vegetable products USE Vegetables
  12. Vegetable trade USE Vegetables
  13. Vegetables
  14. Vending USE Sales
  15. Venereal diseases USE Sexually transmitted diseases
  16. Veterans
  17. Veterans of the armed forces USE Veterans
  18. Veterans' benefits USE Military benefits
  19. Veterans’ cemeteries USE National cemeteries
  20. Veterinarians
  21. Veterinary medicine
  22. Veto
  23. Veto power USE Veto
  24. Veto, Item USE Item veto
  25. Veto, Line item USE Item veto
  26. Veto, Partial USE Item veto
  27. Vice crimes USE Offenses against the public
  28. Victimless crimes USE Offenses against the public
  29. Victims of crime USE Crime victims
  30. Victims of land mines USE Land mines
  31. Video recordings
  32. Violations of international humanitarian law USE Crimes against humanity
  33. Violence at home USE Domestic violence
  34. Violence at public events USE Maintenance of public order
  35. Violence in the family USE Domestic violence
  36. Violent demonstrations in public USE Maintenance of public order
  37. Violent disturbances of the peace USE Maintenance of public order
  38. Violent protests USE Maintenance of public order
  39. Viruses in computers USE Computer crimes
  40. Visas
  41. Vision benefits USE Vision care plans
  42. Vision care plans
  43. Vision insurance USE Vision care plans
  44. Vision plans USE Vision care plans
  45. Visual arts USE Arts
  46. Visual images USE Photographs
  47. Visual imaging USE Photography
  48. Vital statistics
  49. Vital statistics registration USE Vital statistics
  50. Vocational rehabilitation USE Rehabilitation
  51. Voluntary euthanasia USE Euthanasia
  52. Voluntary health insurance USE Health care plans
  53. Volunteers