Genre/Form Terms for Law Materials

  1. Case digests USE Law digests
  2. Casebooks
  3. Certificates of incorporation USE Charters and articles of incorporation
  4. Charters and articles of incorporation
  5. Charters, Corporate USE Charters and articles of incorporation
  6. Charters, Municipal USE Charters and articles of incorporation
  7. Citators
  8. Citators, Legal USE Citators
  9. City laws, Medieval USE Town laws, Medieval
  10. City ordinances USE Municipal ordinances
  11. Claims
  12. Codes (Ancient law) USE Codices (Law)
  13. Codes (Canon law) USE Codices (Law)
  14. Codes (Codices) USE Codices (Law)
  15. Codes (Jewish law)
  16. Codes and statutes USE Statutes and codes
  17. Codes, Administrative USE Administrative regulations
  18. Codexes (Law) USE Codices (Law)
  19. Codices (Law)
  20. Codicils USE Wills
  21. Collective agreements (Labor) USE Collective labor agreements
  22. Collective bargaining agreements USE Collective labor agreements
  23. Collective labor agreements
  24. Commentaries (Civil law systems)
  25. Comments (Civil law systems) USE Commentaries (Civil law systems)
  26. Commercial arbitration agreements
  27. Committee prints USE Legislative materials
  28. Compacts USE Cooperative agreements
  29. Compacts, Interstate USE Intergovernmental agreements
  30. Compiled legislation USE Statutes and codes
  31. Compiled statutes USE Statutes and codes
  32. Concordats
  33. Concords (Law) USE Treaties
  34. Congressional addresses (Speeches) USE Legislative speeches
  35. Congressional hearings USE Legislative materials
  36. Congressional reports USE Legislative materials
  37. Congressional speeches USE Legislative speeches
  38. Consilia
  39. Consolidated laws USE Statutes and codes
  40. Constitutional amendments
  41. Constitutional convention materials
  42. Constitutions
  43. Consuetudinary laws USE Customary laws
  44. Continuing education materials*
  45. Contracts
  46. Conventions (Law) USE Treaties
  47. Cooperative agreements
  48. Corporate charters USE Charters and articles of incorporation
  49. Council, Orders in USE Orders in council
  50. Course materials*
  51. Court decisions and opinions
  52. Court opinions USE Court decisions and opinions
  53. Court proceedings USE Trial and arbitral proceedings
  54. Court proceedings, International USE Trial and arbitral proceedings
  55. Court records USE Records and briefs
  56. Court reporters (Publications) USE Court decisions and opinions
  57. Court reports USE Court decisions and opinions
  58. Court rules
  59. Court rulings USE Court decisions and opinions
  60. Court statistics USE Judicial statistics
  61. Courtroom art
  62. Courtroom graphics USE Courtroom art
  63. Courtroom illustrations USE Courtroom art
  64. Coutumes
  65. Customaries (Law) USE Customary laws
  66. Customary laws
  67. Custumals