Motif-Index of Folk-Literature

  1. labor contest won by deception
  2. laborers
  3. land features
  4. lasting magic qualities
  5. laughing tabu
  6. law courts
  7. learned professions
  8. leaves of plant
  9. lie: extraordinary amphibia and other animals
  10. lie: great hunters and fishermen
  11. lie: hunter’s unusual experiences
  12. lie: miscellaneous plant motifs
  13. lie: occupational or professional skills
  14. lie: occupations of remarkable man
  15. lie: other possessions of remarkable man
  16. lie: remarkable animals
  17. lie: remarkable buildings
  18. lie: remarkable mental skills
  19. lie: remarkable person’s physical powers and habits
  20. lie: remarkable person’s skills
  21. lie: remarkable person’s skills
  22. lie: remarkable possessions of remarkable man
  23. lie: remarkably strong man
  24. lie: the great marksman
  25. lie: the large man
  26. lie: the remarkable hunter
  27. lie: the remarkable man
  28. lie: the remarkable man
  29. lie: the remarkable man: his birth, growth, death, physical powers, strength
  30. lie: the wonderful hunt
  31. lies about animals
  32. lies about birds
  33. lies about cities
  34. lies about climate
  35. lies about cold weather
  36. lies about dry weather
  37. lies about field crops
  38. lies about fish
  39. lies about fishing
  40. lies about flowers
  41. lies about fruits
  42. lies about geography and topography
  43. lies about geography and topography
  44. lies about hot weather
  45. lies about imaginary animals
  46. lies about insects
  47. lies about land features
  48. lies about mammals
  49. lies about mountains and hills
  50. lies about numbers
  51. lies about plants, fruits, vegetables and trees
  52. lies about plants, fruits, vegetables and trees
  53. lies about precipitation and dampness
  54. lies about remarkable soil
  55. lies about reptiles
  56. lies about trees
  57. lies about vegetables
  58. lies about water features
  59. lies about weather and climate
  60. lies about weather and climate
  61. lies about winds and storms
  62. lies: logical absurdities
  63. lies: logical absurdities
  64. life index
  65. life saved by accident
  66. life’s inequalities
  67. life’s inequalities
  68. literal fool
  69. literal fool – miscellaneous
  70. literal fools
  71. literal obedience
  72. local gods
  73. location of otherworld
  74. logical absurdity based upon certain false assumptions
  75. looking tabu
  76. looking tabu
  77. loss of fortune for breaking tabu
  78. loss of magic object
  79. loss of magic powers
  80. love
  81. love
  82. love induced by magic
  83. love – miscellaneous motifs
  84. lovers’ meeting
  85. luck and fate personified
  86. lucky accidents
  87. lucky accidents – miscellaneous
  88. lucky business ventures