Natural Semantic Metalanguage

Natural Semantic Metalanguage / Anna Wierzbicka

ContributorDiego Ferreyra
Date of creation16/10/2016
Last change date16/10/2016
ScopeThe Natural Semantic Metalanguage, originated by Anna Wierzbicka, is based on evidence that there is a small core of basic, universal meanings, known as semantic primes, which can be expressed by words or other linguistic expressions in all languages. This common core of meaning can be used as a tool for linguistic and cultural analysis: to explain the meanings of complex and culture-specific words and grammatical constructions (using semantic explications), and to articulate culture-specific values and attitudes (using cultural scripts). The theory also provides a semantic foundation for universal grammar and for linguistic typology. Terms and model
PublisherDiego Ferreyra
Terms81 Show recent changes
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    Hierarchical relationships65
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    Global organization of the vocabulary