Physics Subject Headings - Physh

  1. C-symmetry
  2. Calcium signaling
  3. Calorimeters
  4. Calorimetry
  5. Caloritronics USE Spin caloritronics
  6. Cancer
  7. Canonical quantum gravity
  8. Canted magnets USE Noncollinear magnets
  9. Capacitance
  10. Capacitors
  11. Capillarity
  12. Capillary interactions
  13. Capillary rheometer
  14. Capillary waves
  15. Carbides
  16. Carbohydrates
  17. Carbon-based materials
  18. Cardiac dynamics
  19. Cardiac haemodynamics
  20. Cardiovascular networks
  21. Carrier dynamics
  22. Carrier generation & recombination
  23. Cascades
  24. Casimir effect
  25. Casimir effect & related phenomena
  26. Catalysis & synthesis
  27. Cavitation
  28. Cavity methods
  29. Cavity quantum electrodynamics
  30. Cavity resonators
  31. CBD USE Chemical solution deposition
  32. CBED USE Convergent beam electron diffraction
  33. CDBS USE Doppler broadening spectroscopy
  34. CDW USE Charge density waves
  35. Cell adhesion
  36. Cell aggregation
  37. Cell assembly
  38. Cell communication
  39. Cell division
  40. Cell fusion
  41. Cell growth
  42. Cell junctions
  43. Cell locomotion
  44. Cell mechanics
  45. Cell membrane
  46. Cell membrane transport
  47. Cell migration
  48. Cell nucleus
  49. Cell polarity
  50. Cell processes & properties
  51. Cell signaling
  52. Cell wall
  53. Cells
  54. Cellular automata
  55. Cellular compartments
  56. Centrality
  57. Ceramics
  58. Cesium chloride structure
  59. Chain stiffness
  60. Chalcogenides
  61. Chaos
  62. Chaos & nonlinear dynamics
  63. chaos in lasers USE Laser dynamics
  64. Chaotic advection
  65. Chaotic systems
  66. Charge
  67. charge conjugation USE C-symmetry
  68. Charge density wave USE Charge order
  69. Charge density waves
  70. Charge distributions
  71. Charge order
  72. Charge polarization USE Electric polarization
  73. Charge transport USE Carrier dynamics
  74. Charge-exchange reactions
  75. Charge-transfer collisions
  76. Charge-transfer insulators
  77. Charged colloids
  78. Charged polymers
  79. Charm quark
  80. Charmed baryons
  81. Charmed mesons
  82. Chemical bath deposition USE Chemical solution deposition
  83. Chemical beam epitaxy
  84. Chemical binding
  85. Chemical bonding
  86. Chemical deposition
  87. Chemical kinetics, dynamics & catalysis
  88. Chemical lasers
  89. Chemical networks
  90. Chemical Physics & Physical Chemistry
  91. Chemical reactions
  92. Chemical solution deposition
  93. Chemical synthesis
  94. Chemical vapor deposition
  95. Chemical waves
  96. Chemisorption
  97. Chemotaxis
  98. Chemotherapy
  99. Cherenkov detectors
  100. Chern insulators
  101. Chern-Simons gauge theory
  102. Chimera states
  103. Chiral magnets
  104. Chiral perturbation theory
  105. Chiral symmetry
  106. Chirality
  107. Chloroplasts
  108. Cholesteric liquid crystals
  109. Chromatin
  110. Chromonic liquid crystals
  111. Chromosomes
  112. Cilia
  113. Circadian rhythms
  114. Circular accelerators
  115. Circulatory system
  116. Classical black holes
  117. Classical electromagnetism
  118. Classical field theory
  119. Classical fluids
  120. Classical mechanics
  121. Classical optics
  122. Classical solutions in field theory
  123. Classical spin chains
  124. Classical spin models
  125. Classical statistical mechanics
  126. Classical transport
  127. Clathrates
  128. Clay gels
  129. Climate change USE Global warming
  130. Climate networks
  131. Climate research
  132. Cloaking
  133. Clogging
  134. Cluster expansion
  135. Cluster methods
  136. Cluster models
  137. Clustering
  138. Clustering coefficient & triangles
  139. Clusters
  140. CMR USE Colossal magnetoresistance
  141. Coarse graining
  142. Coatings
  143. Cobaltates
  144. Cobaltites USE Cobaltates
  145. Cochlea
  146. Coherence length
  147. Coherent control
  148. Coherent population trapping
  149. Coherent potential approximation
  150. Coherent Raman electron spin resonance spectroscopy
  151. Coherent states USE Quantum states of light
  152. Coherent structures
  153. Coherent X-ray scattering
  154. Cohesion
  155. Coincident Doppler broadening spectroscopy USE Doppler broadening spectroscopy
  156. Cold and ultracold molecules
  157. Cold atoms USE Quantum fluids & solids
  158. Cold atoms & matter waves
  159. Cold gases in optical lattices
  160. Cold working
  161. Collagen
  162. Collective behavior
  163. Collective behavior in networks
  164. Collective behavior models
  165. Collective dynamics
  166. Collective effects in clusters
  167. Collective effects in quantum optics
  168. Collective excitations USE Quasiparticles & collective excitations
  169. Collective flow
  170. Collective levels
  171. Collective models
  172. Colliders
  173. Collimation
  174. Collisionless shock in plasma
  175. Colloidal crystal
  176. Colloidal gel
  177. Colloidal glass
  178. Colloids
  179. Color blindness
  180. Color centers
  181. Color confinement
  182. Color deconfinement
  183. Color detection
  184. Colossal magnetoresistance
  185. Columnar liquid crystals
  186. Comb polymers
  187. Combinatorics
  188. Combustion
  189. Communication measures
  190. Communication networks
  191. Communication schemes
  192. Community detection algorithms
  193. Community structure
  194. Compactification
  195. Compaction
  196. Compartmental model
  197. Compartmentalization
  198. Competition
  199. Complete wetting
  200. Complex fluids