Physics Subject Headings - Physh

  1. d-wave
  2. Damping rings
  3. Dark energy
  4. Dark matter
  5. Dark matter detectors
  6. Dark-field microscopy
  7. Dark-field optical spectroscopy
  8. Data analysis
  9. Data mining
  10. DC susceptibility measurements
  11. DCA USE Dynamical mean field theory
  12. de Haas-van Alphen effect
  13. Decision making models
  14. Decoherence in quantum gases
  15. Deep inelastic scattering
  16. Deep level transient spectroscopy
  17. Defects
  18. Degenerative diseases
  19. Degree correlations
  20. Degree distributions
  21. Demagnetization
  22. Dementia
  23. Dendritic polymers
  24. Dense plasma focus
  25. Density functional approximations
  26. Density functional calculations
  27. Density functional theory
  28. Density functional theory development
  29. Density matrix methods
  30. Density matrix renormalization group
  31. Density of states
  32. Depletion interactions
  33. Desorption
  34. Determination of fundamental constants
  35. Deterministic networks
  36. Detonation
  37. Developmental biophysics
  38. Developmental diseases
  39. Developmental pattern formation
  40. Devices
  41. Dewetting
  42. DFT USE Density functional theory
  43. DFT approximations USE Density functional approximations
  44. DFT calculations USE Density functional calculations
  45. DFT development USE Density functional theory development
  46. DFT+DMFT
  47. DFT+U
  48. DHVA USE de Haas-van Alphen effect
  49. Diagrammatic methods
  50. Dialysis
  51. Diamagnetism
  52. Diamagnets
  53. Diamond
  54. Diamond structure
  55. Dichalcogenides
  56. Dichroism
  57. Dicke model
  58. Dielectric function USE Dielectric properties
  59. Dielectric loss spectroscopy USE Dielectric spectroscopy
  60. Dielectric properties
  61. Dielectric spectroscopy
  62. Dielectrics
  63. Differential scanning calorimetry
  64. Differential thermal analysis
  65. Diffractive production
  66. Diffusion
  67. Diffusion & dynamics of clusters
  68. Diffusion & random walks
  69. Diffusion quantum Monte Carlo
  70. Diffusionless transformation USE Solid-solid transformations
  71. Diffusiophoresis
  72. Diffusive transport USE Diffusion
  73. Diffusive wave spectroscopy
  74. Digital mammography
  75. Dilution refrigerator
  76. Diode lasers
  77. Diodes
  78. Dipolar gases
  79. Dipolar interaction
  80. Dipole approximation
  81. Dirac fermions
  82. Dirac semimetal
  83. Direct drive
  84. Direct reactions
  85. Directed networks
  86. Disclinations & dislocations
  87. Discontinuous percolation transition
  88. Discontinuous phase transition
  89. Discotic liquid crystals
  90. Discrete dipole approximation
  91. Discrete symmetries
  92. Discrete symmetries in condensed matter
  93. Diseases
  94. Diseases & conditions
  95. Disk micelles
  96. Disordered alloys
  97. Disordered systems
  98. Displacement of immiscible fluids
  99. Dissipation USE Dissipative dynamics
  100. Dissipative dynamics
  101. Dissipative particle dynamics
  102. Distances, redshifts, & velocities
  103. Distortions & defects
  104. Diversity
  105. Diversity & inclusion
  106. DMA USE Dynamic mechanical analysis
  107. DMFT USE Dynamical mean field theory
  108. DMI USE Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
  109. DMRG USE Density matrix renormalization group
  110. DNA
  111. DNA folding
  112. DNA origami
  113. DNA unfolding
  114. DNA-protein interactions
  115. Domain walls
  116. Domains
  117. Dopants
  118. Doped semiconductors
  119. Doppler broadening spectroscopy
  120. Doppler ultrasonography
  121. DOS USE Density of states
  122. Dosimetry
  123. Double beta decay
  124. Double quantum dots
  125. Doublon
  126. Down quark
  127. DQMC USE Diffusion quantum Monte Carlo
  128. Dresselhaus coupling
  129. Drift waves
  130. Drift, ion- or electron-cyclotron instability
  131. Drop & bubble phenomena
  132. Drop breakup
  133. Drop coalescence
  134. Drop interactions
  135. Drop spreading
  136. Drops
  137. Drops & bubbles
  138. Drops of complex fluids
  139. Drude model
  140. Drug delivery
  141. Dry active matter
  142. Dry granular materials
  143. Drying
  144. DTA USE Differential thermal analysis
  145. Dualities in field theory
  146. Duality
  147. Ductility
  148. dust plasma USE Dusty or complex plasma
  149. Dusty or complex plasma
  150. Dye lasers
  151. Dynamic mechanical analysis
  152. Dynamic nuclear polarization
  153. Dynamic spin injection
  154. Dynamical light scattering USE Photon correlation spectroscopy
  155. Dynamical localization
  156. Dynamical mean field theory
  157. Dynamical phase transitions
  158. Dynamical symmetry breaking models
  159. Dynamical systems
  160. Dynamical tunneling
  161. Dynamics of networks
  162. Dynamics of phase separation
  163. Dynamo theory
  164. Dynein
  165. Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction