Physics Subject Headings - Physh

  1. e+-e- colliders USE Lepton colliders
  2. EAM USE Embedded atom model
  3. Ear
  4. Earth's atmosphere
  5. Earth's interior
  6. Earth's ionosphere
  7. Earth's magnetosphere
  8. Earthquake detection & measurement
  9. Earthquake prediction methods USE Earthquake statistics & scaling
  10. Earthquake statistics & scaling
  11. Earthquakes
  12. EBIC USE Scanning electron microscopy
  13. Ecological networks
  14. Ecological pattern formation
  15. Ecological population dynamics
  16. Ecologies
  17. Ecology & evolution
  18. Economic games
  19. Econophysics
  20. Edge localized mode
  21. Edge states
  22. Educational policy
  23. EDX USE Energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy
  24. EDXRF USE Energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy
  25. EELS USE Electron energy loss spectroscopy
  26. Effective field theory
  27. Effective medium approach
  28. Effects of atomic coherence on light propagation
  29. Efficiency at maximum power
  30. Efimov states
  31. Eigenstate thermalization
  32. EIT USE Electromagnetically induced transparency
  33. Elastic back scattering spectroscopy
  34. Elastic deformation
  35. Elastic fluids
  36. Elastic forces
  37. Elastic modulus
  38. Elastic recoil detection
  39. Elastic wave theory
  40. Elasticity
  41. Elastomers
  42. Electric & magnetic plasma measurements
  43. Electric charge USE Charge
  44. Electric double layers
  45. Electric field alignment
  46. Electric field effects
  47. Electric moment
  48. Electric polarization
  49. Electrical conductivity
  50. Electrical generation of spin carriers
  51. Electrical properties
  52. Electrical properties of membranes
  53. Electrical spin injection
  54. Electrical techniques
  55. Electrical transport measurements USE Resistivity measurements
  56. Electricity & lightning
  57. Electro-optical spectra
  58. Electrocaloric effect
  59. Electrochemical processes
  60. Electrochemical properties
  61. Electrochemistry
  62. Electroencephalography
  63. Electrokinetic effects in porous media
  64. Electrokinetic flows
  65. Electroluminescence
  66. Electromagnetic calorimeters
  67. Electromagnetic field calculations
  68. Electromagnetic interactions
  69. Electromagnetic radiation astronomy
  70. Electromagnetic therapy
  71. Electromagnetic transitions
  72. Electromagnetic wave theory
  73. Electromagnetic waves & oscillations
  74. Electromagnetically induced transparency
  75. Electromagnetism
  76. Electron & muon capture
  77. Electron & positron scattering
  78. Electron affinity
  79. Electron beams & optics
  80. Electron capture USE Electron & muon capture
  81. Electron correlation calculations for atoms & ions
  82. Electron diffraction
  83. Electron driven instability
  84. Electron energy loss spectroscopy
  85. Electron magnetic circular dichroism
  86. Electron microscopy
  87. Electron nuclear double resonance
  88. Electron paramagnetic resonance
  89. Electron relaxation
  90. Electron sources
  91. Electron spin resonance
  92. Electron techniques
  93. Electron thermal conductivity
  94. Electron-correlation calculations
  95. Electron-cyclotron plasma waves
  96. Electron-ion collisions
  97. Electron-mediated pairing
  98. Electron-phonon coupling
  99. electron-positron colliders USE Lepton colliders
  100. Electron-positron plasmas
  101. Electronic & magnetic properties of clusters
  102. Electronic excitation & ionization
  103. Electronic materials
  104. Electronic structure
  105. Electronic structure of atoms & molecules
  106. Electronic transitions
  107. Electronically polarized systems
  108. Electrons
  109. Electrophoresis
  110. Electropolishing
  111. Electrorheological fluids
  112. Electrospinning
  113. Electrostatic accelerators
  114. Electrostatic double layer forces
  115. Electrostatic interactions
  116. Electrostatic waves & oscillations
  117. Electrostriction
  118. Electroweak interaction
  119. Electroweak interactions in nuclear physics
  120. Electroweak radiative corrections
  121. Electrowetting
  122. Elemental materials
  123. Elemental metals
  124. Elemental semiconductors
  125. Elemental superconductors
  126. Eliashberg theory
  127. Ellipsometry
  128. ELNES USE Energy loss near-edge fine structure
  129. Embedded atom model
  130. Embrittlement
  131. Embryonic development
  132. EMCD USE Electron magnetic circular dichroism
  133. Emergence of patterns
  134. Emulsions
  135. Encapsulation
  136. Endocrine system
  137. Endocytosis
  138. ENDOR USE Electron nuclear double resonance
  139. Energy applications
  140. Energy levels & level densities
  141. Energy loss near-edge fine structure
  142. Energy materials
  143. Energy recovery linacs
  144. Energy research
  145. Energy spectroscopy for chemical analysis
  146. Energy storage
  147. Energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy
  148. Engineering
  149. Entanglement detection
  150. Entanglement distillation USE Entanglement manipulation
  151. Entanglement entropy
  152. Entanglement in field theory
  153. Entanglement in quantum gases
  154. Entanglement manipulation
  155. Entanglement measures
  156. Entanglement production
  157. Entanglement purification USE Entanglement manipulation
  158. Entropic sampling methods
  159. Entropy
  160. Entropy production
  161. Environmental research
  162. Environmental scanning electron microscopy
  163. Enzymes
  164. EOT USE Extraordinary optical transmission
  165. Epidemic
  166. Epidemic evolution
  167. Epidemic growth
  168. Epidemic prevalence
  169. Epidemic spreading
  170. Epidermis
  171. Epigenetics
  172. Epilepsy
  173. Epistemology, attitudes, & beliefs
  174. Epitaxial strain
  175. Epitaxy
  176. Epithelial cells
  177. EPR USE Electron paramagnetic resonance
  178. EPR paradox USE Quantum nonlocality
  179. Equations of state
  180. Equations of state of nuclear matter
  181. Equilibrium fluctuations
  182. Equilibrium lattice models
  183. Erdos-Renyi graph
  184. Ergodic theory
  185. ESCA USE Energy spectroscopy for chemical analysis
  186. ESR USE Electron spin resonance
  187. Etching
  188. Ettingshausen effect
  189. Eutactic polymers
  190. Evaporation
  191. Evolution of the Universe
  192. Evolutionary dynamics
  193. Evolutionary games
  194. Evolving communities
  195. Evolving network models
  196. Evolving networks
  197. Exact diagonalization
  198. Exact solutions for many-body systems
  199. Exactly solvable models USE Exact solutions for many-body systems
  200. EXAFS USE X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy