Physics Subject Headings - Physh

  1. Ice
  2. Ideal-chain models
  3. II-VI semiconductors
  4. III-V semiconductors
  5. Imaging
  6. Imaging & optical processing
  7. Imbibition & injection
  8. Immersed boundary methods
  9. Immune system diseases
  10. Impact craters
  11. Impact test
  12. Impedance
  13. impedance spectroscopy USE Dielectric spectroscopy
  14. Implosion symmetry
  15. Impurities
  16. Impurities in superconductors
  17. In-vitro methods
  18. In-vivo methods
  19. Incoherent beam instabilities
  20. Indentation
  21. Indirect drive
  22. Induced-charge flows
  23. Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy
  24. Inelastic light scattering
  25. Inelastic neutron scattering
  26. Inertial confinement fusion
  27. Inertially confined plasmas
  28. Infinite dimensional symmetries
  29. Infinite-dimensional symmetries
  30. Inflation
  31. Information & communication theory
  32. Information theory
  33. Infrared spectroscopy
  34. Infrared techniques
  35. Infrastructures & instrumentation
  36. Inhibitory synapses
  37. Inorganic chemistry
  38. Inorganic compounds
  39. INS USE Inelastic neutron scattering
  40. Insects
  41. Instabilities in granular flows
  42. Instability control
  43. Instability of free-surface flows
  44. Instantons
  45. Instructional materials development
  46. Instructional strategies
  47. Insulators
  48. Integer quantum Hall effect
  49. Integrability in field theory
  50. Integrable systems
  51. Integrate-and-fire model
  52. Integrated optics
  53. Interactions & forces
  54. Interactions in fluids
  55. Interatomic & molecular potentials
  56. Interconnected & interdependent networks
  57. Interdiffusion USE Self-diffusion
  58. Interdisciplinary Physics
  59. Interface & surface thermodynamics
  60. Interfaces
  61. Interfacial flows
  62. Interfacial phenomena
  63. Interference & diffraction of light
  64. Interferometry
  65. Intergalactic medium
  66. Intermediate-energy accelerators USE Low- & intermediate-energy accelerators
  67. Intermetallic compounds
  68. Intermetallic semiconductors
  69. Intermetallics USE Alloys
  70. Internal flows
  71. Internet
  72. Interparticle interactions
  73. Interplanetary magnetic field
  74. Interstellar medium
  75. Interstitials
  76. Intersubband polariton
  77. Intracellular signalling
  78. Intracellular trafficking
  79. Intracellular transport
  80. Intrinsic semiconductors USE Elemental semiconductors
  81. Inverse spin Hall effect
  82. Inversion symmetry
  83. Invertebrate development
  84. Invisible decays
  85. Ion beam analysis
  86. Ion impact & scattering
  87. Ion implantation
  88. Ion scattering from surfaces
  89. Ion techniques USE Atomic techniques
  90. Ion-acoustic instability
  91. Ion-acoustic waves
  92. Ion-inertial confinement
  93. Ionic fluids
  94. Ionic liquids USE Ionic fluids
  95. Ionic solids
  96. Ionic transport
  97. Ions
  98. IQHE USE Integer quantum Hall effect
  99. Iridates
  100. Iridescence
  101. Iron-based superconductors
  102. Irradiation
  103. Irradiation effects
  104. Irreversible processes
  105. Ising model
  106. Island
  107. Isomer decays
  108. Isotactic polymers
  109. Isotope effect
  110. Isotope separation & enrichment
  111. IV measurements USE Resistivity measurements
  112. IV-LEED USE Current-voltage low-energy electron diffraction