Physics Subject Headings - Physh

  1. M-theory
  2. Mach-Zehnder atom interferometry
  3. Machine learning
  4. Machine protection
  5. Macromolecules
  6. Magnetic anisotropy
  7. Magnetic colloids
  8. Magnetic confinement fusion
  9. Magnetic coupling
  10. Magnetic domains
  11. Magnetic field alignment
  12. Magnetic field generation & plasma dynamo
  13. Magnetic fluids
  14. Magnetic fluids USE Ferrofluids
  15. Magnetic force microscopy
  16. Magnetic insulators
  17. Magnetic interactions
  18. Magnetic mirrors & traps
  19. Magnetic moment
  20. Magnetic monopoles
  21. Magnetic multilayers
  22. Magnetic nanoparticles
  23. Magnetic order
  24. Magnetic phase transitions
  25. Magnetic reconnection
  26. Magnetic refrigeration
  27. Magnetic resonance imaging
  28. Magnetic semiconductors
  29. Magnetic storms, substorms
  30. Magnetic structure USE Magnetic texture
  31. Magnetic susceptibility
  32. Magnetic systems
  33. Magnetic techniques
  34. Magnetic texture
  35. Magnetic tunnel junctions
  36. Magnetic vortices
  37. Magnetically confined plasmas
  38. Magnetism
  39. Magnetization USE Magnetic susceptibility
  40. Magnetization dynamics
  41. Magnetization measurements
  42. Magnetization reversal USE Magnetization switching
  43. Magnetization switching
  44. Magnetized plasma
  45. Magneto-dielectric effect
  46. Magneto-electric effect USE Magnetoelectric effect
  47. Magneto-optical effect
  48. Magneto-optical Kerr effect
  49. Magneto-optical spectra
  50. Magnetoacoustic effect
  51. Magnetocaloric effect
  52. Magnetocaloric materials USE Magnetic refrigeration
  53. Magnetoelastic effect
  54. Magnetoelasticity USE Magnetostriction
  55. Magnetoelectric effect
  56. Magnetohydrodynamic techniques
  57. Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
  58. Magnetohydrodynamic waves
  59. Magnetohydrodynamics
  60. Magnetoinertial fusion
  61. Magnetometry USE Magnetization measurements
  62. Magnetopause
  63. Magnetoresistance
  64. Magnetorheological fluids
  65. Magnetosheath
  66. Magnetostriction
  67. Magnetotail
  68. Magnetotransport
  69. Magnonic crystals
  70. Magnons
  71. Majorana bound states
  72. Majorana excitations USE Majorana fermions
  73. Majorana fermions
  74. Majorana neutrinos
  75. Majorana quasiparticle USE Majorana bound states
  76. Majorana zero mode USE Majorana bound states
  77. Mammals
  78. Mammography
  79. Manganates
  80. Manganites
  81. Many-body effects
  82. Many-body localization
  83. Many-body techniques
  84. Marangoni convection
  85. Marine ecology
  86. Markovian processes
  87. Martensitic phase transition
  88. Masers
  89. Mass
  90. Mass spectrometry
  91. Mass spectroscopy USE Mass spectrometry
  92. Massive compact halo objects
  93. Master equation
  94. Material failure
  95. Materials
  96. Materials analysis & modification by accelerators
  97. Mathematical physics
  98. Mathematical physics methods
  99. Matrix product states
  100. Maxwell model
  101. MBE USE Molecular beam epitaxy
  102. MBS USE Majorana bound states
  103. Mean field theory
  104. Mean-field & cluster methods
  105. Measurement-based quantum computing
  106. Mechanical & acoustical properties
  107. Mechanical deformation
  108. Mechanical effects of light on material media
  109. Mechanical properties of membranes
  110. Mechanical testing
  111. Medical applications of accelerators
  112. Medical devices
  113. Medical image processing
  114. Medical image quality
  115. Medical imaging
  116. Medical imaging safety
  117. Medical magnetic resonance imaging
  118. Medical physics
  119. Medical X-ray imaging
  120. Meiosis
  121. Meissner effect
  122. Melt-spinning
  123. Melting USE Liquid-solid phase transition
  124. Membrane assembly
  125. Membrane dynamics
  126. Membrane fluctuations
  127. Membrane formation
  128. Membrane structure
  129. Membrane structures
  130. Membranes
  131. Membranes & reactions
  132. Memory
  133. MEMS USE Micromechanical devices
  134. Mesenchyme
  135. Meson & hyperon induced nuclear reactions
  136. Mesons
  137. Mesoscopic systems USE Nanostructures
  138. Mesoscopics
  139. Meta-GGA
  140. Metal-insulator transition
  141. Metallic glasses
  142. Metalloids
  143. Metallotropic liquid crystals
  144. Metals
  145. Metamagnetism
  146. Metamaterials
  147. Methods in electromagnetism
  148. Methods in magnetism
  149. Methods in superconductivity
  150. Methods in transport
  151. Metrology
  152. Metropolis algorithm
  153. MFM USE Magnetic force microscopy
  154. MHD USE Magnetohydrodynamics
  155. MHD turbulence USE Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
  156. MHD waves USE Magnetohydrodynamic waves
  157. Micelles
  158. Microbial mats
  159. Microbial multicellular systems
  160. Microbubbles
  161. Microcavity & microdisk lasers
  162. Microcirculation
  163. Microelectromechanical systems USE Micromechanical devices
  164. Microfluidic devices
  165. Microfluidics
  166. Microgels
  167. Micromagnetic modeling
  168. Micromagnetism
  169. Micromechanical & nanomechanical oscillators
  170. Micromechanical devices
  171. Microphase separation
  172. Microrheology
  173. Microscale flows USE Microfluidics
  174. Microstructure
  175. Microswimmers
  176. Microtubules
  177. Microwave techniques
  178. Middle school students USE K-12 students
  179. Mie scattering
  180. Migdal-Eliashberg theory USE Eliashberg theory
  181. Milky Way
  182. Mirror instability
  183. Mitochondria
  184. Mitosis
  185. Mixed valence USE Heavy-fermion systems
  186. Mixing & reactions
  187. Mixing in geophysical flows
  188. Mixing, segregation, & separation
  189. Mixtures of 3He & 4He
  190. Mixtures of atomic and/or molecular quantum gases
  191. Mode coupling theory
  192. mode-locking USE Laser dynamics
  193. Models & methods for nuclear reactions
  194. Models based on symmetries
  195. MOKE USE Magneto-optical Kerr effect
  196. Molecular beam epitaxy
  197. Molecular condensates
  198. Molecular crystal USE Molecular solids
  199. Molecular dynamics
  200. Molecular junctions