Physics Subject Headings - Physh

  1. r process
  2. Rabi model
  3. Radiation & particle generation in plasmas
  4. Radiation belts
  5. Radiation damage
  6. Radiation detectors
  7. Radiation from moving charges
  8. Radiation monitoring & safety
  9. Radiation pressure acceleration
  10. Radiation therapy
  11. Radiative capture
  12. Radio frequency calculations
  13. Radio frequency power sources
  14. Radio frequency techniques
  15. Radio, microwave, & sub-mm astronomy
  16. Radio-frequency & microwave plasma measurements
  17. Radioactive beams
  18. Radioactive waste
  19. Radiography
  20. Radiopharmaceuticals
  21. Raman lasers
  22. Raman spectroscopy
  23. Random & disordered media
  24. Random attacks
  25. Random field Ising model
  26. Random field spin models
  27. Random field XY model
  28. Random graphs
  29. Random lasers
  30. Random matrix theory
  31. Random phase approximation
  32. Random walks
  33. Randomized benchmarking USE Quantum benchmarking
  34. Rare & new isotopes
  35. Rare decays
  36. Rare-earth alloys
  37. Rare-earth doped crystals
  38. Rare-isotope facilities
  39. Rarefied flows
  40. Rashba coupling
  41. Rayleigh scattering
  42. Rayleigh scattering in plasmas
  43. Rayleigh-Bénard convection
  44. Rayleigh-Taylor instability
  45. RBS USE Rutherford back scattering spectroscopy
  46. RCWA USE Rigorous coupled-wave analysis
  47. Reacting flows
  48. Reacting flows & spectroscopy
  49. Reaction diffusion systems
  50. Reactions at surfaces & chemisorption
  51. Reactivity of clusters
  52. Reactor fuels & coolants
  53. Reactor instrumentation
  54. Real & complex analysis
  55. Real world networks
  56. Recombination
  57. Red blood cells
  58. Reduced magnetohydrodynamics
  59. Reflection high-energy electron diffraction
  60. Reflectivity
  61. Refraction
  62. Regeneration
  63. Relativistic & quantum electrodynamic effects in atoms, molecules,& ions
  64. Relativistic aspects of cosmology
  65. Relativistic effects in atomic spectra
  66. Relativistic heavy-ion collisions
  67. Relativistic hydrodynamics
  68. Relativistic kinetic theory
  69. Relativistic magnetohydrodynamics
  70. Relativistic multiple-particle dynamics
  71. Relativistic plasmas
  72. Relativistic wave equations
  73. Relaxor ferroelectrics
  74. Reliability & operability
  75. Renormalization
  76. Renormalization group
  77. Repair
  78. Repeat sequences
  79. Replica methods
  80. Replica theory
  81. Replication
  82. Reproductive system
  83. Reptation
  84. Research Areas
  85. Research methodology
  86. Resistive wall modes
  87. Resistivity USE Electrical conductivity
  88. Resistivity measurements
  89. Resonance reactions
  90. Resonance techniques
  91. Resonant elastic x-ray scattering
  92. Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
  93. Resonating valence bond theory
  94. Resource theories
  95. Resummation methods
  96. Retention USE Diversity & inclusion
  97. Retina
  98. REXS USE Resonant elastic x-ray scattering
  99. RF calculations USE Radio frequency calculations
  100. RF power sources USE Radio frequency power sources
  101. RF techniques USE Radio frequency techniques
  102. RFIM USE Random field Ising model
  103. RHEED USE Reflection high-energy electron diffraction
  104. Rheological properties
  105. Rheology
  106. Rheology techniques
  107. Rheometers USE Viscometers
  108. Rheopexy
  109. Richtmyer-Meshkov instability
  110. Rigorous coupled-wave analysis
  111. Ring polymers
  112. River networks
  113. RIXS USE Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
  114. RKKY interaction
  115. RNA
  116. RNA folding
  117. RNA structure
  118. RNA unfolding
  119. RNA-protein interactions
  120. Road networks
  121. Robustness
  122. Rocks
  123. Rodlike polymer
  124. Room temperature RF
  125. Room-temperature magnet calculations
  126. Rotating geophysical flows
  127. Rotating wave approximation
  128. Roughness
  129. Rouse model
  130. RPA USE Random phase approximation
  131. Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction USE RKKY interaction
  132. Rumor
  133. Rumor evolution
  134. Rumor growth
  135. Rumor prevalence
  136. Rumor spreading
  137. Run-and-tumble motion
  138. Ruthenates
  139. Rutherford back scattering spectroscopy
  140. RVB USE Resonating valence bond theory
  141. Rydberg atoms & molecules