Physics Subject Headings - Physh

  1. s process
  2. S-matrix method in transport
  3. s-wave
  4. Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model
  5. Saffman-Taylor instability
  6. Sample preparation
  7. Sandpile models
  8. SANS USE Small angle neutron scattering
  9. Satellite data analysis
  10. SAW USE Surface acoustic wave
  11. SAXS USE Small-angle x-ray scattering
  12. Scale free & inhomogeneous networks
  13. Scaling laws of complex systems
  14. Scaling methods
  15. Scanning electron microscopy
  16. Scanning probe microscopy
  17. Scanning techniques
  18. Scanning transmission electron microscopy
  19. Scanning tunneling microscopy
  20. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy
  21. Scattering amplitudes
  22. Scattering effects on transport USE S-matrix method in transport
  23. Scattering of atoms, molecules, clusters & ions
  24. Scattering theory
  25. Schottky barriers
  26. Schottky effect USE Thermionic emission
  27. Schrödinger equation USE Schroedinger equation
  28. Schroedinger equation
  29. Schwinger boson method
  30. Schwinger effect
  31. Scientific reasoning & problem solving
  32. Scintillators
  33. SCPT USE Dynamical mean field theory
  34. SdH USE Shubnikov-de Haas effect
  35. SDW USE Spin density waves
  36. SE USE Spontaneous emission
  37. Second harmonic generation USE Second order nonlinear optical processes
  38. Second order nonlinear optical processes
  39. Second order percolation transition USE Continuous percolation transition
  40. Second order phase transition USE Continuous phase transition
  41. Second order phase transitions
  42. Second quantization
  43. Secondary beams
  44. Secondary ion mass spectrometry
  45. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy USE Secondary ion mass spectrometry
  46. Secondary structure
  47. secret sharing USE Quantum cryptography
  48. Security applications of accelerators
  49. Sediment transport
  50. Seebeck effect
  51. Seismology
  52. Self-assembly
  53. Self-consistent field theory
  54. Self-consistent perturbation theory USE Dynamical mean field theory
  55. Self-diffusion
  56. Self-focusing & filamentation in plasmas
  57. Self-healing
  58. Self-healing systems
  59. Self-organization
  60. Self-organized criticality
  61. Self-organized systems
  62. Self-phase modulation USE Third order nonlinear optical processes
  63. Self-propelled janus particles
  64. Self-propelled particles
  65. Self-similarity
  66. SEM USE Scanning electron microscopy
  67. Semiclassical methods
  68. Semiclassical physics
  69. Semiconducting systems
  70. Semiconductor alloys USE Semiconductor compounds
  71. Semiconductor compounds
  72. Semiconductor detectors USE Solid-state detectors
  73. Semiconductor lasers
  74. Semiconductor microcavities
  75. Semiconductor quantum optics
  76. Semiconductors
  77. Semicrystalline polymers
  78. Semidilute theta solutions
  79. Semimetals
  80. Sensors USE Organic sensors
  81. Sequencing analysis
  82. Series expansions & exact enumeration
  83. SERS USE Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
  84. Shape memory alloys USE Shape-memory materials
  85. Shape memory effect
  86. Shape-memory materials
  87. Shear deformation
  88. Shear flows
  89. Shear layer turbulence
  90. Shear thickening
  91. Shear thinning
  92. Shell model
  93. SHG USE Optical second-harmonic generation
  94. Shock waves
  95. Shock waves & discontinuities in plasma
  96. Shubnikov-de Haas effect
  97. Sigma model USE Sigma models
  98. Sigma models
  99. Signal transduction
  100. Signaling networks
  101. Silicene
  102. Simple cubic
  103. SIMS USE Secondary ion mass spectrometry
  104. Simulated annealing
  105. Single crystal materials
  106. Single molecule techniques
  107. Single photon emission computed tomography
  108. Single photon sources
  109. Single polymer chains
  110. Single- and few-photon ionization & excitation
  111. Single-component plasmas
  112. Single-particle dynamics
  113. Single-photon ionization & excitation USE Single- and few-photon ionization & excitation
  114. Singularities In general relativity
  115. Sintering
  116. SIR model
  117. SIRS model
  118. SIS model
  119. Skeletal system
  120. Skin effect
  121. Skutterudites
  122. Sky surveys
  123. Skyrmions
  124. Sl(N) symmetry
  125. Slave bosons
  126. Sliding plate rheometer
  127. Slip boundary effects
  128. Slit rheometer
  129. Small angle neutron scattering
  130. Small-angle x-ray scattering
  131. Small-world model
  132. Small-world networks
  133. Smart materials
  134. Smectic liquid crystals
  135. SMOKE USE Surface magneto-optical Kerr effect
  136. SO(N) symmetry
  137. Social dynamics
  138. Social networks
  139. Social system dynamics
  140. Social systems
  141. Sodium chloride structure
  142. Soft colloids
  143. Soft magnets
  144. sol-gel USE Chemical solution deposition
  145. Sol-gel process
  146. Solar cells
  147. Solar corona
  148. Solar cycles
  149. Solar energy
  150. Solar flares
  151. Solar interior
  152. Solar neutrinos
  153. Solar plasma
  154. Solar system & its planets
  155. Solar wind
  156. Solar wind termination USE Heliopause
  157. Solid solutions
  158. Solid state lasers
  159. Solid-air interfaces USE Solid-gas interfaces
  160. Solid-gas interfaces
  161. Solid-liquid phase transition USE Liquid-solid phase transition
  162. Solid-solid interfaces
  163. Solid-solid transformations
  164. Solid-state chemistry
  165. Solid-state detectors
  166. Solid-surface planets
  167. Solidification
  168. Solitons
  169. Solvation
  170. Sonar
  171. Sonoluminescence
  172. Sound detection
  173. Sound discrimination
  174. Sound generation
  175. Sound recognition
  176. Sound source perception
  177. Sound wave techniques
  178. Sound waves
  179. Sp(2N) symmetry
  180. SPA-LEED USE Spot-profile analysis LEED
  181. Space & astrophysical plasma
  182. Space charge in beams
  183. Space science
  184. Space weather
  185. Spacetime symmetries
  186. Spacetime topology & causal structure
  187. Sparcs USE Atmospheric electricity
  188. Spatial modeling
  189. Spatial profiles of optical beams
  190. Spatiotemporal chaos
  191. Special relativity
  192. Specific heat
  193. Specific heat measurements
  194. Specific kinds of plasmas
  195. Specific phase transitions
  196. Spectrometers & spectroscopic techniques
  197. Spectroscopic factors & electromagnetic moments
  198. Spectroscopy
  199. Spectroscopy of clusters
  200. Speech