Physics Subject Headings - Physh

  1. t-J model
  2. T-symmetry
  3. TAMR USE Tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance
  4. Target design & fabrication
  5. Target normal sheath acceleration
  6. Targeted attacks
  7. Targets
  8. Tau leptons
  9. Tavis-Cummings model
  10. Taylor-Couette system
  11. TDGL USE Time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory
  12. TDS USE Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
  13. Teaching USE Instructional strategies
  14. Teaching methods USE Instructional strategies
  15. Tearing instability
  16. Techniques
  17. Technological networks
  18. Technology
  19. Telescopes
  20. TEM USE Transmission electron microscopy
  21. Temperature
  22. Tension tests
  23. Tensor network methods
  24. Tensor network renormalization
  25. Terahertz generation in plasmas
  26. Terahertz spectroscopy
  27. Terahertz techniques
  28. Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
  29. Tertiary structure
  30. Test-particle methods
  31. Tests of fundamental symmetries
  32. Tethered particle motion
  33. TGA USE Thermogravimetric analysis
  34. Theoretical & Computational Techniques
  35. Theoretical Techniques
  36. Theories of collective dynamics & active matter
  37. Theory, design & simulation of reactors
  38. Therapeutics
  39. Thermal & statistical models
  40. Thermal conductivity
  41. Thermal expansion
  42. Thermal Hall effect
  43. Thermal properties
  44. Thermal techniques
  45. Thermal transport USE Thermal conductivity
  46. Thermionic emission
  47. Thermoacoustic effect
  48. Thermodilatometry
  49. Thermodynamics
  50. Thermodynamics of computation
  51. Thermodynamics of mixing
  52. Thermoelasticity
  53. Thermoelectric devices USE Thermoelectric systems
  54. Thermoelectric effects
  55. Thermoelectric systems
  56. Thermoelectrics USE Thermoelectric systems
  57. Thermogravimetric analysis
  58. Thermomagnetic effects
  59. Thermomechanical analysis
  60. Thermomechanical effects
  61. Thermophoresis
  62. Thermopower
  63. Thermoreflectance
  64. Thermosetting polymers
  65. Thermotropic liquid crystals
  66. Theta pinch
  67. Theta solvent
  68. Thin film growth USE Growth
  69. Thin films
  70. Thin fluid films
  71. Third harmonic generation USE Third order nonlinear optical processes
  72. Third order nonlinear optical processes
  73. Thixotropy
  74. Thomas–Fermi model
  75. Three dimensional materials USE 3-dimensional systems
  76. Three-dimensional systems USE 3-dimensional systems
  77. Three-wave mixing USE Second order nonlinear optical processes
  78. Threshold & cascade models
  79. Tight binding method USE Tight-binding model
  80. Tight-binding USE Tight-binding model
  81. Tight-binding model
  82. Time & angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy
  83. Time & frequency standards
  84. Time of flight neutron spectroscopy USE Time-of-flight neutron spectroscopy
  85. time reversal USE T-symmetry
  86. Time series analysis
  87. Time-dependent DFT
  88. Time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory
  89. Time-of-flight mass spectrometry
  90. Time-of-flight neutron spectroscopy
  91. Time-projection chambers
  92. Time-resolved infrared spectroscopy
  93. Time-resolved light scattering spectroscopy
  94. Time-resolved photoluminescence
  95. Time-resolved reflection spectroscopy
  96. Time-resolved two-photon photoemission spectroscopy
  97. Time-reversal symmetry USE T-symmetry
  98. Time-series analysis USE Time series analysis
  99. Timing & synchronization
  100. Tissue engineering
  101. Tissues
  102. TMA USE Thermomechanical analysis
  103. TOFMS USE Time-of-flight mass spectrometry
  104. Tokamaks
  105. Tomography
  106. Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid USE Luttinger liquid model
  107. Top quark
  108. Topological defects
  109. Topological effects in photonic systems
  110. Topological field theories
  111. Topological Hall effect
  112. Topological insulators
  113. Topological materials
  114. Topological phase transition
  115. Topological phases USE Geometric & topological phases
  116. Topological phases in many body systems
  117. Topological phases of matter
  118. Topological quantum computing
  119. Topological superconductors
  120. Topological tools
  121. Topology
  122. Trade networks
  123. Traffic
  124. Traffic models
  125. Transcription
  126. Transfer matrix calculations
  127. Transfer matrix method
  128. Transfer reactions
  129. Transformation optics
  130. Transient & explosive astronomical phenomena
  131. Transient absorption spectroscopy
  132. Transistors
  133. Transition metals
  134. Transition temperature
  135. Transition to turbulence
  136. Transition-metal alloys
  137. Transition-metal dichalcogenide
  138. Transition-metal oxides
  139. Transition-metal rare-earth alloys
  140. Translation
  141. Translocation
  142. Transmission electron microscopy
  143. Transmutation & power generation with accelerators
  144. Transparent conducting oxides
  145. Transport in networks
  146. Transport phenomena
  147. Transport phenomena
  148. Transport processes
  149. Transport processes USE Transport phenomena
  150. Transport properties USE Transport phenomena
  151. Transport techniques
  152. Transportation
  153. Transportation networks
  154. Transportation research
  155. Trapped ions
  156. Traveling waves
  157. Tree network
  158. Triangular network
  159. Tribology
  160. Trions
  161. Triplon
  162. TRIR spectroscopy USE Time-resolved infrared spectroscopy
  163. Tube theories
  164. Tubulin
  165. Tumors
  166. Tunable lasers
  167. Tunnel diode oscillator USE Tunnel diode resonance
  168. Tunnel diode resonance
  169. Tunnel junctions
  170. Tunneling & traversal time
  171. Tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance
  172. Turbulence
  173. Turbulence in vortex dynamics
  174. Turbulence of free-surface flows
  175. Turbulence theory
  176. Turbulent compressible flows
  177. Turbulent convection
  178. Turbulent mixing
  179. Turbulent multiphase flows
  180. Twinning
  181. Twist deformation
  182. Two-dimensional electron gas
  183. Two-dimensional electron system
  184. Two-dimensional materials USE 2-dimensional systems
  185. Two-dimensional systems USE 2-dimensional systems
  186. Two-fluid & multi-fluid model
  187. Two-level models
  188. Two-photon photoelectron spectroscopy
  189. Two-photon polymerization
  190. Two-stream instability
  191. Type-I superconductors
  192. Type-II superconductors