European Education Thesaurus

  1. Fachschule [DE] USE vocational school
  2. Fachschule [DE] USE computer-assisted design
  3. facilidad de uso [ES] USE user-friendliness
  4. facilidade de acceso para os discapacitados [GA] USE access for the disabled
  5. facilidade de acceso para os minusválidos [GA] USE access for the disabled
  6. facilità d'uso [IT] USE user-friendliness
  7. facilitat d'ús [CT] USE user-friendliness
  8. factor analysis
  9. factory worker USE industrial worker
  10. facultat universitària de formació del professorat [CT] USE college of education
  11. faculty USE teaching personnel
  12. failure
  13. fairy tale
  14. Falkland Islands
  15. Falkland Uharteak [VS] USE Falkland Islands
  16. falling birth rates
  17. famili-ingurua [VS] USE family environment
  18. famille à risque [FR] USE high risk group
  19. famille étendue [FR] USE extended family
  20. family
  21. family allowance
  22. family budget
  23. family education
  24. family environment
  25. family environment
  26. family life
  27. family planning
  28. family size
  29. FAO
  30. Far East
  31. farmer training USE agricultural training
  32. Faroe Islands
  33. Faroese language
  34. fascism
  35. father
  36. father-child relation
  37. fatica [IT] USE fatigue
  38. fatigue
  39. fear
  40. federalism
  41. Federazione russa [IT] USE Russian Federation
  42. fee-paying school
  43. feedback
  44. Feedback [PT] USE feedback
  45. feedback [CT] USE feedback
  46. feedback [ES] USE feedback
  47. feedback [GA] USE feedback
  48. feedback [IT] USE feedback
  49. feedback [VS] USE individual characteristics
  50. feedback [VS] USE feedback
  51. feeling
  52. fees
  53. female
  54. feminisme [CT] USE women's movement
  55. feminismo [ES] USE women's movement
  56. feminismo [GA] USE women's movement
  57. feminismoa [VS] USE school distribution
  58. feminismoa [VS] USE women's movement
  59. femme à la maison [FR] USE housewife
  60. femmina [IT] USE female
  61. femminismo [IT] USE women's movement
  62. ferie [IT] USE holidays
  63. Ferienstaffelung [DE] USE staggering of holidays
  64. Fernmeldewesen [DE] USE telecommunication
  65. Fernsehaufzeichnung [DE] USE smoking
  66. Fernsehaufzeichnung [DE] USE videorecording
  67. Fernsehkamera [DE] USE scholarship holder
  68. Fernsehkamera [DE] USE electronic camera
  69. Feroe, Illas [GA] USE Faroe Islands
  70. feroés [GA] USE Faroese language
  71. Festplatte [DE] USE hard disc
  72. Festspeicher [DE] USE conflict
  73. Fibel [DE] USE alphabet book
  74. fiction
  75. FID
  76. field research
  77. figlio di lavoratore emigrante [IT] USE migrant worker's child
  78. Fiji
  79. Filho de trabalhador estrangeiro [PT] USE child of foreign national
  80. Filho de trabalhador migrante [PT] USE migrant worker's child
  81. filière de formation [FR] USE branch of study
  82. fill de treballador estranger [CT] USE child of foreign national
  83. fill de treballador migrant [CT] USE migrant worker's child
  84. fillo putativo [GA] USE adopted child
  85. film
  86. film camera
  87. film d'enseignement [FR] USE educational film
  88. film education
  89. film educatiu [CT] USE educational film
  90. film educativo [IT] USE educational film
  91. film industry
  92. film library
  93. film projector
  94. film [CT] USE film
  95. Filme pedagógico [PT] USE educational film
  96. filming
  97. filmstrip
  98. filmstrip [IT] USE filmstrip
  99. filosofi-antropologia [VS] USE medicine
  100. filosofi-antropologia [VS] USE philosophy
  101. fin da escolaridade [GA] USE school leaving
  102. fin de la escolaridad [ES] USE school leaving
  103. final examination
  104. finalità dell'educazione [IT] USE aims of education
  105. finançament privat [CT] USE private funds
  106. finançament públic [CT] USE public funds
  107. finance officer USE accountant
  108. financement privé [FR] USE private funds
  109. financement public [FR] USE public funds
  110. financiación privada [ES] USE private funds
  111. financiación pública [ES] USE public funds
  112. financial resources
  113. financiamento privado [GA] USE private funds
  114. financiamento público [GA] USE public funds
  115. financing
  116. finantziazio pribatua [VS] USE central processing unit
  117. finantziazio pribatua [VS] USE private funds
  118. finantziazio publikoa [VS] USE public funds
  119. fine arts
  120. finès [CT] USE Finnish language
  121. finger reading
  122. Finland
  123. finlandés [GA] USE Finnish language
  124. Finnish language
  125. Finno-Ugric languages
  126. first aid
  127. first foreign language
  128. fitxategia [VS] USE archives
  129. Flandesko Belgika [VS] USE Dutch-speaking Belgium
  130. flannelgraph
  131. flexibility
  132. floppy disc
  133. flow chart
  134. Flämischsprachiges Belgien [DE] USE Dutch-speaking Belgium
  135. fogar correccional [GA] USE community home
  136. folclore [IT] USE folk culture
  137. folk art
  138. folk culture
  139. folk dance
  140. folk music
  141. folk song
  142. follow-up study
  143. fonògraf [CT] USE gramophone
  144. fonógrafo [ES] USE gramophone
  145. fonografoa [VS] USE gramophone
  146. food
  147. food deficiency
  148. forecasting
  149. foreign country
  150. foreign language assistant
  151. foreign languages
  152. foreign literature
  153. foreign policy
  154. foreign pupil
  155. foreign relations
  156. foreign school
  157. foreign student
  158. foreign teacher
  159. foreign worker
  160. foreigner
  161. form USE class
  162. Formação de adultos [PT] USE further training
  163. Formação no estrangeiro [PT] USE study abroad
  164. formació a l'estranger [CT] USE study abroad
  165. formació complementària [CT] USE further training
  166. formació d'adults [CT] USE further training
  167. formació [CT] USE vocational training
  168. formación complementaria [ES] USE further training
  169. formación de adultos [ES] USE further training
  170. formación en el extranjero [ES] USE study abroad
  171. formación modular [GA] USE modular training
  172. formación no estranxeiro [GA] USE study abroad
  173. formación permanente [GA] USE further training
  174. formación preprofesional [GA] USE vocational preparation
  175. formación [ES] USE vocational training
  176. formakuntza adarra [VS] USE branch of study
  177. formal education USE school system
  178. formal operational thinking
  179. formation à l'étranger [FR] USE study abroad
  180. formation à l'Europe [FR] USE European dimension
  181. formation complémentaire [FR] USE further training
  182. formation des adultes [FR] USE further training
  183. formation des maîtres [FR] USE teacher education
  184. formation en alternance [FR] USE alternating training
  185. formation par modules [FR] USE modular training
  186. formative evaluation
  187. formazione dei lavoratori [IT] USE workers' education
  188. formazione di gruppo [IT] USE group learning
  189. formazione professionale industriale [IT] USE industrial training
  190. formazione sul lavoro [IT] USE in-service training
  191. Formosa [GA] USE Taiwan
  192. forza-lavoro [IT] USE manpower
  193. fosca [CT] USE darkness
  194. fostering USE adoption
  195. foundation
  196. France
  197. francès [CT] USE French language
  198. francés [GA] USE French language
  199. Francophone Belgium USE French-speaking Belgium
  200. Frau [DE] USE female