European Education Thesaurus

  1. Gabon
  2. gaelikoa [VS] USE Irish language
  3. gaitz kutsakorra [VS] USE infectious disease
  4. gaixondoa [VS] USE convalescence
  5. galego [GA] USE Galician language
  6. galegoa [VS] USE Galician language
  7. galés [GA] USE Welsh language
  8. Galicia
  9. Galician language
  10. gallec [CT] USE Galician language
  11. gal·lès [CT] USE Welsh language
  12. Gambia
  13. gang
  14. garaizaurreko umea [VS] USE premature baby
  15. garapen-psikologia [VS] USE developmental psychology
  16. garde à domicile [FR] USE day care
  17. garden
  18. Gastarbeiter [DE] USE migrant worker
  19. Gastarbeiterkind [DE] USE migrant worker's child
  20. gatazka soziala [VS] USE social conflict
  21. gaueko eskola [VS] USE evening institute
  22. gazte literatura [VS] USE children's and youth literature
  23. gazte saila [VS] USE youth office
  24. gazteen lanik eza [VS] USE youth unemployment
  25. gazteen ondoeza [VS] USE youth unrest
  26. gaztelania [VS] USE Spanish language
  27. gaztelekua [VS] USE youth centre
  28. Gefangenenfürsorge [DE] USE prison welfare
  29. Gehör [DE] USE hearing
  30. Gehör [DE] USE cultural immersion
  31. Geistesschwäche [DE] USE mental deficiency
  32. Geistige Anomalie [DE] USE mental illness
  33. Geistige Gesundheit [DE] USE mental health
  34. general education
  35. general studies USE general education
  36. generalization
  37. genetics
  38. Geneva
  39. genio [IT] USE highly gifted
  40. genius USE highly gifted
  41. geografia econòmica [CT] USE social geography
  42. geografía económica [ES] USE social geography
  43. geografia economica [IT] USE social geography
  44. Geografia económica [PT] USE social geography
  45. geografia política [CT] USE social geography
  46. geografía política [ES] USE social geography
  47. geografia politica [IT] USE social geography
  48. Geografia política [PT] USE social geography
  49. geografia politikoa [VS] USE social geography
  50. geographic distribution
  51. geographic location
  52. geographic origin
  53. geography
  54. geology
  55. geometry
  56. Georgia
  57. German DR
  58. German language
  59. German-speaking Belgium
  60. German-speaking Switzerland
  61. Germania occidentale [IT] USE Germany - Federal Republic
  62. Germanic languages
  63. Germany
  64. Germany - Federal Republic
  65. gerontology
  66. Geschicklichkeit [DE] USE completion test
  67. Geschicklichkeit [DE] USE manual skill
  68. gestió de la classe [CT] USE class management
  69. gestió del centre d'ensenyament [CAT] USE school management
  70. gestione dell'istruzione [IT] USE educational administration
  71. gesture
  72. gesture education
  73. Gesundheitspflege [DE] USE health service
  74. Gewerbliche Berufsbildung [DE] USE industrial training
  75. Ghana
  76. Gibraltar
  77. gifted
  78. gimnasia de competición [ES] USE competitive sport
  79. gimnasioko tresna [VS] USE physical education apparatus
  80. gimnàstica de competició [CT] USE competitive sport
  81. gimnastika [VS] USE gymnastics
  82. gioco di ruolo [IT] USE role playing
  83. giornale scolastico [IT] USE school magazine
  84. giornale [IT] USE press
  85. gioventù [IT] USE youth
  86. girl
  87. girls' school
  88. gitan [FR] USE gypsy
  89. giza-lan jatorria [VS] USE socio-economic status
  90. gizabanakoaren garapena [VS] USE personality development
  91. gizarte eta hezkuntza baliabideak [VS] USE socio-cultural activities
  92. gizarte pedagogia [VS] USE community education
  93. gizarte- eta kultura animazioa [VS] USE animation of groups
  94. gizarte- eta kultura sustatzailea [VS] USE animateur
  95. gizarte-antropologia [VS] USE ethnology
  96. gizarte-ingurua [VS] USE social environment
  97. gizarte-laguntzailea [VS] USE social worker
  98. gizarte-urritua [VS] USE socially handicapped
  99. gizarte-zentrua [VS] USE community centre
  100. gizentasuna [VS] USE obesity
  101. gizona [VS] USE male
  102. Glarus
  103. global education
  104. glossary
  105. glottodidattica [IT] USE language teaching
  106. goberno central [GA] USE central government
  107. goberno local [GA] USE local government
  108. goberno municipal [GA] USE local government
  109. gobernu zentrala [VS] USE central government
  110. gobernuz kanpoko erakundea [VS] USE NGO
  111. gobierno central [ES] USE central government
  112. gogorik eza [VS] USE apathy
  113. golf [CT] USE ball game
  114. Golf [DE] USE ball game
  115. Golf [DE] USE Burkina Faso
  116. golf [ES] USE ball game
  117. golf [FR] USE ball game
  118. golf [IT] USE ball game
  119. golf-a [VS] USE ball game
  120. Golfe [PT] USE ball game
  121. gormutuen lengoaia [VS] USE sign language
  122. gorputz-eskema [VS] USE body image
  123. Gorteak [VS] USE parliament
  124. goût [FR] USE sense of taste
  125. govern central [CT] USE central government
  126. govern comunal [CT] USE local government
  127. governing body
  128. government
  129. government policy
  130. grade USE class
  131. grading USE marking
  132. grado de doctor [ES] USE doctorate
  133. grado de licenciado [ES] USE masters degree
  134. grado universitario [ES] USE academic degree
  135. graduate USE higher education graduate
  136. graduate study
  137. graduate unemployment
  138. graduatuaurreko ikasketak [VS] USE undergraduate study
  139. graduatuondoko ikasketak [VS] USE graduate study
  140. grafica con computer [IT] USE computer graphics
  141. grafo-motrizitatearen garapena [VS] USE graphomotor activity
  142. grammar
  143. grammofono [IT] USE adult education
  144. grammofono [IT] USE gramophone
  145. gramòfon [CT] USE gramophone
  146. Gramofone [PT] USE gramophone
  147. gramófono [ES] USE gramophone
  148. gramófono [GA] USE gramophone
  149. gramofonoa [VS] USE gramophone
  150. gramophone
  151. grandparents
  152. grans magatzems [CT] USE store
  153. grant
  154. grao de doutor [GA] USE doctorate
  155. grao de licenciado [GA] USE masters degree
  156. grao universitario [GA] USE academic degree
  157. graph
  158. graphic arts
  159. graphology
  160. graphomotor activity
  161. graphomotor development USE graphomotor activity
  162. Gratificação [PT] USE reward
  163. gravación en cinta [GA] USE tape recording
  164. gravación magnetoscópica [GA] USE videorecording
  165. gravidez [GA] USE demand for education
  166. gravidez [GA] USE pregnancy
  167. grec antic [CT] USE Classical Greek
  168. Greece
  169. Greenland
  170. Greenlandic language
  171. Grenada
  172. grenlandés [GA] USE Greenlandic language
  173. Grenlàndia USE Greenland
  174. griglia di analisi [IT] USE observation schedule
  175. griglia di analisi [IT] USE occupational choice
  176. grille d'analyse [FR] USE observation schedule
  177. Grisons
  178. gross national product
  179. group
  180. group behaviour
  181. group counselling
  182. group dynamics
  183. group instruction USE group learning
  184. group learning
  185. group membership
  186. group psychotherapy
  187. group training USE group learning
  188. group work
  189. grouping
  190. groups and organisations
  191. growth
  192. Grundschule [DE] USE optional subjects
  193. grupo marxinal [GA] USE marginal group
  194. gruppo bersaglio [IT] USE target group
  195. gruppo di studio [IT] USE workshop
  196. gruppo per livello di capacità [IT] USE ability grouping
  197. Guadeloupe
  198. Guatemala
  199. guia didàctica [CT] USE teachers' guide
  200. guidance