European Education Thesaurus

  1. habelencia cognitiva [GA] USE cognitive ability
  2. habelencia de información [GA] USE information skills
  3. habelencia manual [GA] USE manual skill
  4. habelencia na procura de información [GA] USE information skills
  5. habelencia técnica [GA] USE technical ability
  6. habelencia [GA] USE know-how
  7. habileté manuelle [FR] USE manual skill
  8. habileté [FR] USE skill
  9. habilidad cognitiva [ES] USE cognitive ability
  10. habilidade cognitiva [GA] USE cognitive ability
  11. habilidade de información [GA] USE information skills
  12. habilidade técnica [GA] USE technical ability
  13. Habilidade [PT] USE skill
  14. habilitat cognitiva [CT] USE cognitive ability
  15. habit
  16. haemophilia
  17. haginlaria [VS] USE dentist
  18. haginlaria [VS] USE armed forces
  19. Haiti
  20. hall of residence
  21. halte-garderie [FR] USE day care
  22. Haltung [DE] USE posture
  23. Hamburg
  24. Handbuch [DE] USE textbook
  25. handicap
  26. handicap and handicapped
  27. handicap culturale [IT] USE social handicap
  28. handicap dell'apprendimento [IT] USE learning difficulty
  29. handicap della vista [IT] USE vision defect
  30. handicapped
  31. Handlungsforschung [DE] USE action research
  32. Handpuppe [DE] USE puppetry
  33. Handwerk [DE] USE environmental protection
  34. Handwerk [DE] USE craft
  35. handwriting USE writing
  36. hard disc
  37. hard of hearing USE deaf
  38. hardware
  39. hardware configuration
  40. hardware interface
  41. hardware interface [ES] USE hardware interface
  42. Hardware interface [PT] USE hardware interface
  43. hardware interface [VS] USE hardware interface
  44. hardware [CT] USE hardware
  45. hardware [GA] USE hardware
  46. Hardware [PT] USE hardware
  47. hardware [VS] USE hardware
  48. harmonisation des systèmes d'éducation [FR] USE convergence of education systems
  49. hartutako immunoeskasiaren sindromea [VS] USE AIDS
  50. hate
  51. haur psikologia [VS] USE child psychology
  52. haur-aita erlazioa [VS] USE father-child relation
  53. haur-ama erlazioa [VS] USE mother-child relation
  54. haur-guraso erlazioa [VS] USE parent-child relation
  55. haur-ikastetxe erlazioa [VS] USE teacher-pupil relation
  56. haurra [VS] USE child
  57. Hausmeister [DE] USE caretaker
  58. hautabidezko eskola [VS] USE alternative school
  59. hautatzea [VS] USE selection
  60. Haute-Volta [FR] USE Burkina Faso
  61. hautematea [VS] USE perception
  62. Hawaii
  63. headteacher
  64. health
  65. health certificate
  66. health education
  67. health insurance
  68. health policy
  69. health report
  70. health service
  71. health service personnel
  72. hearing
  73. hearing defect
  74. heart disease
  75. heating
  76. hebreo [GA] USE Hebrew language
  77. hebreu [CT] USE Hebrew language
  78. Hebrew language
  79. Hegoafrika [VS] USE South Africa R
  80. Heilkunde [DE] USE therapy
  81. Heimatvertriebener [DE] USE refugee
  82. Heimatvertriebener [DE] USE leaving certificate
  83. Heimlicher Lehrplan [DE] USE hidden curriculum
  84. helduaroa [VS] USE maturity
  85. helduen prestakuntza [VS] USE further training
  86. heredity
  87. Herkunftsland [DE] USE home country
  88. hermeneutics
  89. herri unibertsitatea [VS] USE adult education institute
  90. herri-gobernua [VS] USE local government
  91. Hesse
  92. heterogeneous class
  93. heuristic method
  94. heziketa fisikoa [VS] USE physical education
  95. heziketa programatua [VS] USE programmed learning
  96. heziketa [VS] USE teaching
  97. hezkuntza antolaketa [VS] USE education system
  98. hezkuntza bereziko zentrua [VS] USE special school
  99. hezkuntza estiloa [VS] USE teaching style
  100. hezkuntza etikoa [VS] USE moral education
  101. hezkuntza materiala [VS] USE teaching aid
  102. hezkuntza zientzietako lizentziatua [VS] USE educationalist
  103. hezkuntza-estatistika [VS] USE statistical data
  104. hidden curriculum
  105. hidrologia [CT] USE earth sciences
  106. hidrología [ES] USE earth sciences
  107. Hidrologia [PT] USE earth sciences
  108. hidrologia [VS] USE earth sciences
  109. high achievement
  110. high risk group
  111. higher education
  112. higher education graduate
  113. highly gifted
  114. higiene mental [CT] USE mental health
  115. higiene mental [ES] USE mental health
  116. Higiene mental [PT] USE mental health
  117. higiene psikikoa [VS] USE mental health
  118. hiri-ingurua [VS] USE urban environment
  119. hirugarren mundua [VS] USE developing country
  120. hirugarren sektorea [VS] USE services
  121. histoire de l'enseignement [FR] USE history of education
  122. histoire de la pédagogie [FR] USE history of education
  123. histoire locale [FR] USE local studies
  124. História da civilização [PT] USE social history
  125. historia da escola [GA] USE history of education
  126. História da escola [PT] USE history of education
  127. História da pedagogia [PT] USE history of education
  128. historia da pedagoxía [GA] USE history of education
  129. història de l'escola [CT] USE history of education
  130. història de la pedagogia [CT] USE history of education
  131. història local [CT] USE local studies
  132. historia local [ES] USE local studies
  133. historical method
  134. historical perspective
  135. historical research
  136. historiography
  137. history
  138. history of art
  139. history of education
  140. history of philosophy
  141. history of sciences and humanities
  142. hitzez adieraztea [VS] USE verbalization
  143. hixiene mental [GA] USE mental health
  144. hizketa [VS] USE conversation
  145. hizketa-laguntzailea [VS] USE foreign language assistant
  146. hizkuntza berezitua [VS] USE language for special purposes
  147. hizkuntza normalizazioa [VS] USE language policy
  148. hizkuntza-murgiltzea [VS] USE cultural immersion
  149. Hochschulgebühren [DE] USE fees
  150. Holanda [CT] USE Netherlands
  151. Holanda [ES] USE Netherlands
  152. Holanda [GA] USE Netherlands
  153. Holanda [VS] USE Netherlands
  154. holandar hizkuntza [VS] USE Dutch language
  155. holandès [CT] USE Dutch language
  156. holandés [GA] USE Dutch language
  157. holiday regulation
  158. holidays
  159. holistic perception
  160. Holy See
  161. hombre [ES] USE male
  162. home
  163. home country
  164. home economics
  165. home education
  166. home student
  167. home [CT] USE male
  168. home [GA] USE male
  169. homebound
  170. Homem [PT] USE male
  171. homework
  172. homme [FR] USE male
  173. homogeneous class
  174. homosexuality
  175. Honduras
  176. Hong Kong
  177. hongarès [CT] USE Hungarian language
  178. horaire [FR] USE time-table
  179. hospital
  180. hospital school USE hospital teaching
  181. hospital teaching
  182. hospitalized
  183. host
  184. host computer [IT] USE host
  185. host country
  186. host [CT] USE host
  187. host [ES] USE host
  188. host [GA] USE host
  189. host [VS] USE host
  190. hostel USE hall of residence
  191. hostility
  192. hours of work
  193. housewife
  194. housing
  195. human biology
  196. human body
  197. human dignity
  198. human relations
  199. human rights
  200. humanism