European Education Thesaurus

  1. OAS
  2. OAU
  3. obedience
  4. Obervolta [DE] USE Burkina Faso
  5. Obervolta [DE] USE excursion
  6. obesity
  7. obiettivi dell'apprendimento [IT] USE teaching objective
  8. obiettivi didattici [IT] USE teaching objective
  9. object lesson
  10. objectif de l'éducation [FR] USE aims of education
  11. objectius de l'educació [CT] USE aims of education
  12. objectives of education USE aims of education
  13. objectivity
  14. Objectivo da educação [PT] USE aims of education
  15. objetivos de la educación [ES] USE aims of education
  16. obradoiro de creatividade [GA] USE creative workshop
  17. obradoiro de formación [GA] USE training workshop
  18. obradoiro protexido [GA] USE sheltered workshop
  19. obradoiro [GA] USE workshop
  20. obrer agrícola [CT] USE agricultural worker
  21. obrer industrial [CT] USE industrial worker
  22. obrer [CT] USE worker
  23. obrero agrícola [ES] USE agricultural worker
  24. obrero industrial [ES] USE industrial worker
  25. observation
  26. observation schedule
  27. observatory
  28. Obwalden
  29. obxectivo da ensinanza [GA] USE teaching objective
  30. obxectivo de comportamento [GA] USE behavioural objective
  31. obxectivos da educación [GA] USE aims of education
  32. OCAS
  33. occupation
  34. occupational aspiration
  35. occupational change USE career change
  36. occupational choice
  37. occupational disease
  38. occupational environment
  39. occupational failure
  40. occupational guidance USE vocational guidance
  41. occupational information USE vocational information
  42. occupational integration
  43. occupational mobility
  44. occupational prognosis
  45. occupational rehabilitation USE vocational rehabilitation
  46. occupational research
  47. occupational satisfaction
  48. occupational status
  49. occupational success
  50. occupazione dei giovani [IT] USE youth employment
  51. Oceania
  52. oceanography
  53. oci [CT] USE leisure
  54. ocio [GA] USE leisure
  55. odontòleg [CT] USE dentist
  56. odontólogo [ES] USE dentist
  57. odontologoa [VS] USE dentist
  58. odorat [FR] USE sense of smell
  59. OEA [VS] USE OAS
  60. OECD
  61. oferta de professorat [CT] USE supply of teachers
  62. office
  63. office automation
  64. office automation [IT] USE office automation
  65. office equipment
  66. office worker USE clerical worker
  67. official language
  68. official text
  69. officina per esercitazioni [IT] USE training workshop
  70. offre d'éducation [FR] USE training supply
  71. oficina d'ocupació [CT] USE employment service
  72. oficina de colocación [ES] USE employment service
  73. oficina de colocación [GA] USE employment service
  74. Ofício [PT] USE occupation
  75. oinarrizko eskola [VS] USE primary school
  76. oinarrizko ezagutzak [VS] USE minimum competencies
  77. oinarrizko hezkuntza orokorra [VS] USE primary education
  78. oinarrizko irakaskuntza [VS] USE primary education
  79. Olanda [IT] USE Netherlands
  80. old age
  81. olerkia [VS] USE poetry
  82. on the job training USE in-service training
  83. one parent family
  84. one teacher school
  85. ongoing research USE current research
  86. only child
  87. ONU [VS] USE UN
  88. open air activities
  89. open air school
  90. open curriculum
  91. open education
  92. open environment
  93. open plan school
  94. open space school USE open plan school
  95. open university
  96. openings
  97. Operário agrícola [PT] USE agricultural worker
  98. operating system
  99. operational research
  100. operations research USE operational research
  101. operatore culturale [IT] USE social worker
  102. operatore scolastico [IT] USE education officer
  103. opinion
  104. opinion (Council of Europe)
  105. opinion (European Communities)
  106. oportunitats de treball [CT] USE employment opportunities
  107. opposition
  108. optical storage
  109. optics
  110. option d'études [FR] USE branch of study
  111. optional subjects
  112. Optische Platte [DE] USE initial assessment
  113. Optische Platte [DE] USE optical storage
  114. oral culture
  115. oral examination
  116. oral expression
  117. oral work
  118. orde ministerial [GA] USE decree
  119. orden ministerial [ES] USE decree
  120. ordenador personal [ES] USE microcomputer
  121. ordenadore sarea [VS] USE computer network
  122. ordenadorearen bidezko diseinua [VS] USE computer-assisted design
  123. ordenadorearen bidezko ikaskuntza [VS] USE didactic use of computer
  124. ordenadorearen bidezko irakaskuntza [VS] USE didactic use of computer
  125. ordenagailu pertsonala [VS] USE microcomputer
  126. ordenança [CT] USE caretaker
  127. ordenantza [VS] USE caretaker
  128. order (Council of Europe)
  129. ordinamento scolastico [IT] USE education system
  130. ordinateur central [FR] USE host
  131. ordinateur personnel [FR] USE microcomputer
  132. ordinograma [CT] USE flow chart
  133. ordinograma [ES] USE flow chart
  134. ordinograma [VS] USE flow chart
  135. ordonnance [FR] USE decree
  136. ordre ministerial [CT] USE decree
  137. ordu estraordinarioak [VS] USE overtime
  138. òrgan de gestió [CT] USE governing body
  139. organi collegiali [IT] USE school-community relationship
  140. organico [IT] USE personnel
  141. organigramme
  142. organisation
  143. organisation administrative [FR] USE administrative structure
  144. organisation du temps de travail [FR] USE working time arrangement
  145. organisation non-gouvernementale [FR] USE NGO
  146. organisation of research
  147. organising body
  148. organització administrativa [CT] USE administrative structure
  149. organització de la recerca [CT] USE organisation of research
  150. organització educativa [CT] USE education system
  151. organització no governamental [CT] USE NGO
  152. Organização administrativa [PT] USE administrative structure
  153. Organização da educação [PT] USE education system
  154. Organização feminina [PT] USE women's organisation
  155. organización administrativa [ES] USE administrative structure
  156. organización administrativa [GA] USE administrative structure
  157. organización confesional [GA] USE religious organisation
  158. organización da clase [GA] USE class composition
  159. organización de empresarios [GA] USE employers' organisation
  160. organización de la clase [ES] USE class composition
  161. organización de la educación [ES] USE education system
  162. organización de voluntarios [GA] USE voluntary organisation
  163. organización do tempo escolar [GA] USE arrangement of school time
  164. organización no gubernamental [ES] USE NGO
  165. organización non gobernamental [GA] USE NGO
  166. organizzazione amministrativa [IT] USE administrative structure
  167. Organizzazione Nazioni Unite [IT] USE UN
  168. organizzazione non governativa [IT] USE NGO
  169. Orgão competente [PT] USE organising body
  170. Orientação escolar [PT] USE educational guidance
  171. orientació escolar [CT] USE educational guidance
  172. orientación escolar [ES] USE educational guidance
  173. orientación escolar [GA] USE educational guidance
  174. orientación laboral [GA] USE vocational guidance
  175. orientación pedagóxica [GA] USE educational guidance
  176. orientamento pedagogico [IT] USE educational guidance
  177. orientation scolaire [FR] USE educational guidance
  178. Origem sócio-profissional [PT] USE socio-economic status
  179. origen socio-profesional [ES] USE socio-economic status
  180. origen socioprofessional [CT] USE socio-economic status
  181. originality
  182. origine socioprofessionnelle [FR] USE socio-economic status
  183. orphan
  184. orphanage
  185. orthopédagogie [FR] USE special education
  186. ortofonia [CT] USE speech therapy
  187. ortofonía [ES] USE speech therapy
  188. ortofonía [GA] USE speech therapy
  189. Ortofonia [PT] USE speech therapy
  190. ortofonia [VS] USE speech therapy
  191. ortofonista [CT] USE speech therapist
  192. ortofonista [ES] USE speech therapist
  193. ortofonista [GA] USE speech therapist
  194. ortofonista [VS] USE speech therapist
  195. ortopedagogia [IT] USE remedial instruction sciences
  196. Ortopedagogia [PT] USE special education
  197. OSA [IT] USE OAS
  198. osasun laguntzaile teknikoa [VS] USE nurse
  199. ospitalizatua [VS] USE hospitalized
  200. ouïe [FR] USE hearing