European Education Thesaurus

  1. Saarland
  2. sabbatical leave
  3. sac d'écolier [FR] USE pupil equipment
  4. safety
  5. safety and health
  6. safety education
  7. saída escolar [GA] USE excursion
  8. sala d'actes [CT] USE assembly hall
  9. sala de clase [ES] USE classroom
  10. sala de clase [GA] USE classroom
  11. sala de classe [CT] USE classroom
  12. sala dei professori [IT] USE staff room
  13. salariato [IT] USE employee
  14. salary
  15. salbuespenekoa [VS] USE exceptional
  16. salida escolar [ES] USE excursion
  17. salle polyvalente [FR] USE multipurpose classroom
  18. Salvador USE El Salvador
  19. Salvador [DE] USE El Salvador
  20. Sami languages
  21. Samoa
  22. Samoa Occidental [ES] USE Samoa
  23. Samoa Occidental [GA] USE Samoa
  24. sample
  25. San Marino
  26. San Tome and Principe
  27. sanction
  28. sandwich course USE alternating training
  29. Sandwich Course [DE] USE attendance
  30. sanitary facilities
  31. sanitary inspection
  32. santé scolaire [FR] USE school health services
  33. Sarre [CT] USE Saarland
  34. sarrera-irteera gailua [VS] USE input-output device
  35. sartzeko proba [VS] USE entrance examination
  36. satisfaction
  37. Saudi Arabia
  38. Saxony
  39. Saxony-Anhalt
  40. scelta scolastica [IT] USE choice of studies
  41. Schaffhausen
  42. scheda di valutazione [IT] USE school record
  43. Scheidung [DE] USE divorce
  44. Schicht [DE] USE social class
  45. Schiedsspruch [DE] USE dispute settlement
  46. Schiffahrtskunde [DE] USE marine sciences
  47. schizophrenia
  48. Schleswig-Holstein
  49. Schnittstelle [DE] USE interface
  50. scholarship
  51. scholarship holder
  52. school
  53. school accident
  54. school activities
  55. school age population
  56. school autonomy
  57. school based management
  58. school book USE textbook
  59. school camp
  60. school career
  61. school construction
  62. school correspondence
  63. school day
  64. school distribution
  65. school district
  66. school doctor
  67. school effectiveness
  68. school entry age
  69. school environment
  70. school exchange
  71. school failure
  72. school guidance USE educational guidance
  73. school health services
  74. school history USE history of education
  75. school industry relation
  76. school labour relationship USE training-employment relationship
  77. school leaver
  78. school leaving
  79. school library
  80. school life
  81. school magazine
  82. school management
  83. school meal
  84. school newspaper USE school magazine
  85. school personnel
  86. school phobia
  87. school play
  88. school psychologist
  89. school record
  90. school size
  91. school success
  92. school system
  93. school transport
  94. school travel
  95. school visit
  96. school week
  97. school workshop
  98. school year
  99. school-community relationship
  100. school-parent relation USE parent-school relation
  101. schooling
  102. schooling rate
  103. Schulabgang [DE] USE school leaving
  104. Schulbuch [DE] USE history of education
  105. Schulbücherei [DE] USE school library
  106. Schule-Eltern-Beziehung [DE] USE parent-school relation
  107. Schulgeschichte [DE] USE history of education
  108. Schulhof [DE] USE playground
  109. Schulklassenatmosphäre [DE] USE classroom climate
  110. Schullaufbahnakte [DE] USE adult education
  111. Schullaufbahnakte [DE] USE school record
  112. Schulreise [DE] USE school travel
  113. Schwerhörigkeit [DE] USE deafness
  114. Schwys
  115. Schüler-Eltern-Beziehung [DE] USE computer literacy
  116. Schüler-Eltern-Beziehung [DE] USE parent-pupil relation
  117. Schülerbeobachtungsbogen [DE] USE school record
  118. Schülerbeschreibungsbogen [DE] USE rote learning
  119. Schülerbeschreibungsbogen [DE] USE school record
  120. science education
  121. science fiction
  122. science policy
  123. sciences and technology
  124. sciences de la mer [FR] USE oceanography
  125. sciences historiques [FR] USE history
  126. sciences humaines [FR] USE social sciences
  127. sciences of education
  128. scientific board
  129. scientific personnel
  130. scientific research USE research
  131. scientific studies
  132. scolaro [IT] USE pupil
  133. scopi educativi [IT] USE aims of education
  134. Scotland
  135. Scots Gaelic language
  136. scouting
  137. screening
  138. scripture
  139. scrittura a mano [IT] USE writing
  140. sculpture
  141. scuola a spazio aperto [IT] USE open plan school
  142. scuola dell'obbligo [IT] USE compulsory education
  143. scuola di comunità [IT] USE community centre
  144. scuola elementare [IT] USE primary school
  145. scuola media [IT] USE lower secondary
  146. scuola paterna [IT] USE home education
  147. scuola per l'infanzia [IT] USE nursery school
  148. scuola secondaria comprensiva [IT] USE comprehensive secondary school
  149. sdoppiamento della classe [IT] USE class size
  150. second foreign language
  151. second generation migrant
  152. secondary education
  153. secondary school
  154. seconde génération [FR] USE second generation migrant
  155. secondment
  156. secretariat
  157. secretary
  158. sect
  159. secteur tertiaire [FR] USE services
  160. section d'études [FR] USE branch of study
  161. sector terciari [CT] USE services
  162. sector terciario [ES] USE services
  163. sector terciario [GA] USE services
  164. secular education
  165. Seelisch-geistige Retardierung [DE] USE mental retardation
  166. segregation
  167. seguranza social [GA] USE social security
  168. seguranza viaria [GA] USE road safety
  169. seguranza [GA] USE safety
  170. seguritate irakaskuntza [VS] USE safety education
  171. seguro de doenza [GA] USE health insurance
  172. Seguro social [PT] USE social security
  173. seguros sociales [ES] USE social security
  174. Sekundärer Analphabetismus [DE] USE resurgent illiteracy
  175. selection
  176. selection criterion
  177. selectividad [ES] USE selection
  178. selectividade [GA] USE selection
  179. selectivitat [CT] USE selection
  180. selektibitatea [VS] USE selection
  181. Selektion [DE] USE selection
  182. self
  183. self-actualization USE self-realization
  184. self-awareness
  185. self-concept
  186. self-confidence
  187. self-control
  188. self-disclosure
  189. Self-disclosure [DE] USE self-disclosure
  190. self-employed person
  191. self-esteem
  192. self-evaluation
  193. self-instruction
  194. self-management
  195. self-perception
  196. self-realization
  197. semaine de cinq jours [FR] USE school week
  198. semantics
  199. semester
  200. seminar