Universal Decimal Classification

Common auxiliaries of form. Table 1d

Common auxiliaries of form. Table 1d
The common auxiliaries of form denote the form or presentation of documents. They are not used to denote the subject matter of documents. Literary forms (poetry, plays, fiction etc.) are classed under 82-1/-9. Kinds of form not listed in Table 1d may be denoted by (0:...), e.g. 94(0:791) History presented as a film. INNER AND OUTER FORM. Where more than one form aspect is to be expressed, distinction should be made between inner form, where the form influences the subject (e.g. historical presentation) and outer form, which expresses only the physical characteristic s of the information carrier (e.g. a sound recording). Regardless of numerical order, inner form should occur next to the subject before outer form is expressed, e.g. 792(091)(086.7) Theatre - historical form of presentation - sound recording (history of the theatre as a sound recording)
Citation order: these auxiliaries are normally used following a subject notation, but, if desired, all documents of the same form of presentation (or their surrogates) may be grouped together under the appropriate form auxiliary
(035)54 Handbooks of chemistry (filed beside other handbooks)
(038)54 Dictionaries of chemistry (filed beside other dictionaries)
(054)(44) French newspapers
54(035) Handbooks of chemistry (filed beside other books on chemistry)
54(038) Dictionaries of chemistry (filed beside other works on chemistry)

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