Universal Decimal Classification

Common auxiliaries of place. Table 1e

Common auxiliaries of place. Table 1e
The place auxiliaries indicate the geographical range, locality or other spatial aspect of a subject denoted by a main UDC number, e.g. 331.2(44) Wages in France, 338.47(81) Economics of transport in Brazil. They are the primary characteristic of division in 913 'Regional geography' and 94 'History'
CITATION ORDER. These auxiliaries are normally used following a subject notation. A sequence based on place can also be created by citing the place auxiliary first, e.g. 339.5(73) Foreign trade - USA, (73)339.5 USA - Foreign trade. The place auxiliary may also be intercalated in a UDC number to achieve a desired sequence, e.g. 354(44) Central administration in France, 354(44)51 French ministry of justice. Exceptionally, the place auxiliary alone might be adequate for classifying some kinds of document where the place aspect is the only one likely to be sought (e.g. some maps). FURTHER SUBDIVISION. In general, the political section of the following table, (4/9), is subdivided as far as counties, departments or equivalent administrative units. Smaller units may be denoted in two ways: by using the special auxiliaries under (1-2) and (1-3), either at the number for the high-level unit (country, state) or at that for the lower-level unit (county, department, etc.), e.g. (44) France, (44-2) Communes of France, (44-37) Arrondissements of France, (441.1) Département of Finistère, (441.1-2) Communes of Finistère, (441.1-37) Arrondissements of Finistère

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