The Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee reviews and discusses budgetary issues as they relate to public, post-secondary education in the State. These budget issues often provide the framework for policy decisions to improve the delivery of higher education to the citizens of the State.
The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) includes the eight public, credit-granting colleges and universities and the Utah College of Applied Technology (UCAT), a noncredit granting institution that provides career and technical education at eight different locations statewide. In addition to core academic programs, the USHE promotes research, economic, cultural, and other social programs for the citizens of Utah. The Utah Education Network (UEN) is a partnership of Utah's public and higher education institutions, delivering distance learning and educational services through internet and video links statewide. The Utah Medical Education Council (UMEC) provides research into the health care workforce needs in the State and also seeks public and private funding for clinical training and promotes graduate medical education for rural and underserved areas in Utah.
The Subcommittee is concentrating its efforts towards increasing student participation, retention, and completion, with the goal of having 66% of Utah adults attaining a post-secondary degree or certificate by the year 2020.