Utah Taxonomy

Utah state agencies

Is a meta-term.

Utah state agencies
Utah State Publications are those that are published by state agencies and political subdivisions. State agencies are defined as "the state, an office, department, agency, authority, commission, board, institution, hospital, college, university, or other instrumentality of the state" [Utah Code Annotated 9-7-101 (6)].

The Utah State Code and agency histories developed by the Utah State Archives and Records Service are helpful in determining the names of agencies over time.
Utah.gov's Agency List by Topical Category
Utah.gov's A-Z Agency List by Department
Utah.gov's Complete A-Z Agency List (starting with A)
Utah State Archives MapSearch geospatial access to Utah State Agencies
Utah State Archives Agency History search
State of Utah Organization Charts:
Utah State Directory of Employees http://statephone.utah.gov/phone/or
State Telephone Directory (print): 2012 (agencies and personnel)
Multimedia: http://www.utah.gov/multimedia/
Utah acronymns (DEQ): http://www.deq.utah.gov/acronyms/uacronyms.htm
Utah.gov's Slideshare Publications & Presentations: http://slideshare.net/StateofUtah
Utah State Archives Agency Histories
RSS feeds: https://www.utah.gov/connect/feeds.html

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