The Open Records Website was developed by the Utah State Archives, in conjunction with the Utah Transparency Board, as outlined in Utah Code 63A-3-403(10)(11). This law requires the Transparency Board and the Department of Administrative Services to establish and maintain a website for the purpose of providing a central access point to request governmental records from within the state of Utah. The S.B. 70 State Data Portal Amendments, 2014 General Session, is a directive for DAS, in partnership with the Utah Transparency Advisory Board, to create a single point of access for all GRAMA requests for executive agencies, school districts, charter schools, public transit districts, counties, municipalities, local districts and special service districts. The milestones for all governmental agencies are identified below as targeted in S.B. 70. On January 1, 2015, the Open Records website will be a point of access for Government Records Access and Management requests for State Agencies. By January 1, 2016, School Districts and Charter Schools, Public Transit District, Counties, and Municipalities will be available on the Open Records website. Local Districts and Special Districts will be available by January 1, 2017.