WBG Topical Taxonomy

  1. Job Creation USE Jobs Strategies
  2. Job Creation and Job Opportunities
  3. Job Fairs USE Intermediation
  4. Job Matching USE Efficient Labor Exchanges
  5. Job Quality and Labor Market Performance
  6. Job Reallocations
  7. Job Rotation
  8. Job Sharing
  9. Job Tax Credits
  10. Jobless Growth
  11. Jobless Recovery USE Jobless Growth
  12. Jobs
  13. Jobs and Climate Change
  14. Jobs and Development
  15. Jobs and Globalization
  16. Jobs and Green Initiatives
  17. Jobs and Growth
  18. Jobs and Health Epidemics
  19. Jobs and Poverty
  20. Jobs and Shared Prosperity
  21. Jobs and Trade USE Trade and Jobs
  22. Jobs by Country Typologies USE Country-Based Employment Analysis
  23. Jobs Creation and Better Jobs USE Jobs Strategies
  24. Jobs Diagnostics
  25. Jobs in Agrarian Countries
  26. Jobs in Agriculture
  27. Jobs in Countires with Aging Populations USE Jobs in Countries with Aging Societies
  28. Jobs in Countries with a Youth Bulge
  29. Jobs in Countries with Aging Societies
  30. Jobs in Education
  31. Jobs in Energy and Extractives
  32. Jobs in Environment & Natural Resources
  33. Jobs in Finance and Markets
  34. Jobs in Fragile States
  35. Jobs in Governance
  36. Jobs in Health, Nutrition & Population
  37. Jobs in Island States
  38. Jobs in ITC
  39. Jobs in Lower Income Countries
  40. Jobs in Middle Income Countries
  41. Jobs in Non-Bank Financial Institutions
  42. Jobs in OECD Countries
  43. Jobs in Resource Rich Countries
  44. Jobs in Tourism
  45. Jobs in Trade and Competitiveness
  46. Jobs in Upper Income Countries
  47. Jobs in Urbanizing Countries
  48. Jobs in Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection
  49. Jobs Strategies
  50. Judicial and Court Reform
  51. Judicial Appointments
  52. Judicial Education and Training
  53. Judicial Education, Training and Professional Development USE Judicial Education and Training
  54. Judicial Independence
  55. judicial information network USE ICT and Justice
  56. Judicial Reform USE Justice
  57. Judicial Review of Procurement Complaints and Contract Disputes USE Access to Justice
  58. Judicial Training Curriculum USE Judicial Education and Training
  59. Justice
  60. Justice Information Systems USE ICT and Justice
  61. Justice Reform USE Justice
  62. Justice Sector Communication and Outreach
  63. Justice Sector Coordination
  64. Justice Sector Finance and Budgeting
  65. Justice Sector Funding USE Justice Sector Finance and Budgeting
  66. Justice Sector Surveys
  67. Justice Surveys USE Justice Sector Surveys
  68. Justice System Administration
  69. Justice System Governance and Administration USE Justice System Administration
  70. Justice Systems and ICT USE ICT and Justice
  71. Justice Systems and Information and Communication Technologies USE ICT and Justice
  72. Justices of the Peace USE Traditional Justice and Customary Law
  73. Juvenile Justice USE Criminal Justice