WBG Topical Taxonomy

WBG Topical Taxonomy / World Bank

Date of creation23/01/2015
Last change date19/02/2018
Keywordsbanks, financial areas
ScopeThe WBG Taxonomy is a classification schema which represents the concepts used to describe the World Bank Group’s topical knowledge domains and areas of expertise - expertise – the ‘what we do’ and ‘what we know’ aspect of the Bank’s work. The WBG Taxonomy provides an enterprise-wide, application-independent framework for describing all of the Bank’s areas of expertise and knowledge domains, current as well as historical, representing the language used by domain experts and domain novices, and Bank staff and Bank clients
RightsWorld Bank
Terms5241 Show recent changes
    Alternative terms2692
    Hierarchical relationships2836
    Associative relationships324
    Scope note66
    Powered byTemaTres 3.3

    Reference sources

    Global organization of the vocabulary

    Terms for each depth level

    Preferred terms / Alternative terms

    Hierarchical relationships / Associative relationships