- Home
- P: 99 terms
- Pacific Islands
- Page, Arthur C.
- Pakistan
- Paragury
- part time farmers
- part-time farmers
- participation
- PCARR USE Philippine Council of Agriculture and Resources Research
- Peacesat
- peanut
- peasants USE small farmers
- Peeples, Roddy
- Pennsylvania, USA
- People's Republic of China
- perception
- perceptions
- periodicals USE journals
- periurban
- personal management
- personnel management
- persuasion
- Peru
- pest management
- pesticides
- Peterson, Arnold
- Philippine Council of Agriculture and Resources Research
- Philippines
- Phode Island, USA
- phone lists USE directories
- photographs
- photography
- Pierson, Russell
- Plambeck, Herb
- planning
- plant diseases USE pest management
- plant protection
- Poe, Clarence Hamilton
- Poland
- policies
- politics
- polls USE surveys
- pollution
- pollutions
- poor
- population programs USE family planning
- pork
- Portugal
- Postal Service
- posters
- potatoes
- poultry
- poverty USE poor
- PR USE public relations
- PR agencies USE advertising agencies
- practitioners involved in marketing process
- Prarie, Farmer
- precision farming
- predictions
- premiums
- presentation
- press
- press relations USE media relations
- press releases USE news releases
- Prestel
- prestige
- pretests
- primary education
- primary schools USE primary education
- print media
- printing
- private sector
- privatization of government services USE private sector
- PROC USE People's Republic of China
- producers USE farmers
- product introduction USE adoption
- product promotion
- production techniques
- productivity
- professional development
- program development
- program evaluation
- programs
- progress
- Progressive Farmer
- project management
- projects USE programs
- promotion
- propaganda USE persuasion
- public attitude
- public attitudes
- public information
- public opinion USE public attitude
- public relations
- public service messages USE public information
- public speaking
- publications
- publicity methods
- publishing
- Puerto Rico, USA