Bibliography of Linguistic Literature Thesaurus

  1. Dacian
  2. Dacism
  3. Daco-Romanian
  4. Dadaism
  5. Dagari
  6. Dagbani
  7. Dagur
  8. Dakhinī
  9. Dakota
  10. Dalabon
  11. Dalmatian
  12. Daman Portuguese Creole
  13. Damana
  14. Dance (lex. f.)
  15. Dances (names of)
  16. Dancing (communication situation)
  17. Dancing (semiot.)
  18. Danish
  19. Danish Creole
  20. Danish Sign Language
  21. Dano-Faroese
  22. Dargwa
  23. Dasenech
  24. Dash
  25. Data base
  26. Data-oriented parsing
  27. Date indication
  28. Dative
  29. Dativus commodi
  30. Dativus commodi possessivus
  31. Dativus ethicus
  32. Dativus finalis
  33. Dativus iudicantis
  34. Datooga
  35. DATR
  36. Days of the week (terms for)
  37. Daytshmerish
  38. De Kepel Pseudowoordentest
  39. De Klepel-Test
  40. De Nationale Tests
  41. Deadjectival noun
  42. Deadjectival verb
  43. Deadverbial verb
  44. DEAF (American Sign Language)
  45. Deaf children of hearing parents
  46. Deaf education USE Monolingual method (Deaf education)
  47. Deaf education USE Bilingual education (Deaf education)
  48. Deaf interpreters (sign language)
  49. Deaf-blindness
  50. Deafness
  51. Death (lex. f.)
  52. Death (semiot.)
  53. Decipherment
  54. Decision making (artificial intelligence)
  55. Decision making (cognitive science)
  56. Decision making (communication research)
  57. Decision making (translation)
  58. Declarative sentence
  59. Declension
  60. Dedication
  61. Deduction
  62. Deduction (cognitive science)
  63. Deduction (philosophy of science)
  64. Deep brain stimulation
  65. Deep dyslexia
  66. Deep structure of discourse
  67. Deep/Surface structure
  68. Defamation
  69. Default semantics
  70. Defective verbs
  71. Deficit hypothesis
  72. Definite clause grammar
  73. Definite description
  74. definite description USE Attributive/referential (definite description)
  75. Definition (epistemology)
  76. Definition (lex.)
  77. Definition (terminol.)
  78. Definition (text.)
  79. definition of USE Sentence (definition of)
  80. definition of USE Word (definition of)
  81. Defoid languages
  82. Degema
  83. Deixis
  84. Delabialization
  85. Delaware
  86. Deletion (graphem.)
  87. Deletion (morph.)
  88. Deletion (phon.)
  89. Deletion (synt.)
  90. Delimitative
  91. Delinquency (semiot.)
  92. Delocutives
  93. Dementia
  94. Dementia praecox
  95. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  96. Demography (technical language)
  97. Demonology (lex. f.)
  98. Demonstrative pronoun
  99. Demonstrativum
  100. Denasalization
  101. Dene-Yeniseian
  102. Denial
  103. Denmark
  104. Denominal adjective
  105. Denominal noun
  106. Denominal verb
  107. Denominations (names of)
  108. Denotation
  109. Dental
  110. Dentalization
  111. Dentistry (technical language)
  112. Denunciation
  113. Denya
  114. Deontic modality
  115. Depalatalization
  116. Dependency grammar
  117. Deprivation (language acquisition)
  118. Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge Test
  119. Dera
  120. Derivation
  121. Derivational/representational (theory of grammar)
  122. description of USE Picture (description of)
  123. Descriptive discourse
  124. Design (semiot.)
  125. Despirantization
  126. Destillation (technical language)
  127. Destruction (semiot.)
  128. Determinacy grammar
  129. Determinative compound
  130. Determiner
  131. Determiner doubling
  132. Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer
  133. Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber
  134. Deutsches Sprachdiplom
  135. Devanāgarī
  136. Developing countries
  137. Development communication
  138. Developmental Assessment Checklist for Sign Language of the Netherlands
  139. Developmental Assessment of Young Children - Communication Development Subtest
  140. Developmental Indicators of the Assessment of Learning
  141. Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment
  142. Developmental Sentence Scoring
  143. Deverbal adjective
  144. Deverbal adposition
  145. Deverbal adverb
  146. Deverbal noun
  147. Deviation (child language)
  148. Deviation (graphem.)
  149. Deviation (morph.)
  150. Deviation (pathol.)
  151. Deviation (phonem.)
  152. Deviation (phraseol.)
  153. Deviation (poet.)
  154. Deviation (pragm.)
  155. Deviation (pros.)
  156. Deviation (psycholing.)
  157. Deviation (sociolinguistics)
  158. Deviation (synt.)
  159. Deviation (text.)
  160. Devil's language
  161. Devils (names of)
  162. Développement du Langage de Production en Français
  163. Dharuk
  164. Dholuo
  165. Diachrony/Synchrony
  166. Diacritic marks
  167. Diadochokinesis Test
  168. Diaeresis (phon.)
  169. Diaeresis mark
  170. Diagnosing reading and writing in a second or foreign language
  171. Diagnosis
  172. Diagnostic English Language Needs Assessment
  173. Diagnostic English Language Tracking Assessment
  174. Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology assessment
  175. Diagnostic Evaluation of Language Variation
  176. Diagnostic Instrument for Apraxia of Speech
  177. Diagnostischer Lesetest zur Frühdiagnose von Lesestörungen
  178. DIALANG
  179. Dialect (stylistic device)
  180. Dialect dictionary
  181. Dialect grammar
  182. Dialect literature
  183. Dialect loss
  184. Dialect orthography
  185. Dialectics
  186. dialectology USE Continuum (dialectology)
  187. Dialectology
  188. Dialectometry
  189. Dialects of Portugal
  190. Dialects of Spain
  191. Dialog (lex. f.)
  192. Dialog structure
  193. Dialogical logic
  194. Diary
  195. Diasystem
  196. Dichotic listening
  197. Dictation
  198. Dictation (language teaching)
  199. Dictionaries
  200. Dictionaries (translation)