Bibliography of Linguistic Literature Thesaurus

  1. Racism
  2. Radical minimalism
  3. Radio language
  4. Radio play
  5. Radio play (language teaching)
  6. Rai music
  7. Railways (technical language)
  8. Raising (phon.)
  9. Raising (synt.)
  10. Rajasthani
  11. Rama
  12. Rama Cay Creole
  13. Ramsey-Hunt syndrome
  14. Rangpuri
  15. rank USE Title (rank)
  16. Rap music
  17. Rapa Nui
  18. Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicin
  19. Rapid serial visual presentation
  20. Rapso
  21. Rarámuri
  22. Rarotongan
  23. Rasch model
  24. Ratahan
  25. Rational-Experiential Inventory
  26. Rationalism
  27. Rationality
  28. Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices
  29. Rawang
  30. Reacquisition (biling.)
  31. Readability
  32. Reader attitude
  33. Reader perspective
  34. reading USE Eye movement (reading)
  35. reading USE Finger movement (reading)
  36. Reading (psycholing.)
  37. Reading aloud
  38. Reading comprehension
  39. Reading Comprehension Battery for Aphasia
  40. Reading Fluency Scale
  41. Reading instruction
  42. Reading instruction (second language)
  43. Reading material
  44. Reading performance
  45. Reading rate
  46. Reading research
  47. Reading span test
  48. Reading strategy
  49. Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test
  50. Reading to Write task
  51. Reading/writing (precocious)
  52. Realism (epistemology)
  53. Reanalysis
  54. Reanalysis (psycholing.)
  55. Reasoning
  56. Reasoning (artificial intelligence)
  57. Reborrowing (lex.)
  58. Rebus
  59. Received pronunciation
  60. Receiver orientation (text production)
  61. Recency effect
  62. reception of USE Literature (reception of)
  63. Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test
  64. Recipe
  65. Reciprocity
  66. Reckoning (function of language in)
  67. Reconstruction (conversation)
  68. Reconstruction (historical linguistics)
  69. Reconstruction (internal)
  70. Reconstruction (synt.)
  71. Recursive compound
  72. Recursiveness
  73. Reductionism (method.)
  74. Reductionism (philosophy of science)
  75. Redundancy (graphem.)
  76. Redundancy (phonem.)
  77. Redundancy (pragm.)
  78. Redundancy (psycholing.)
  79. Redundancy (semant.)
  80. Redundancy (synt.)
  81. Redundancy (theory of grammar)
  82. Reduplication
  83. Reference
  84. Reference (conversational analysis)
  85. Reference (language acquisition)
  86. Reference (lex.)
  87. Reference (non-effective)
  88. Reference book (text type)
  89. Reference books
  90. Reference grammar
  91. Referential Communication Task
  92. Referential identity
  93. Referential identity (artificial intelligence)
  94. Referential semantics
  95. Reflection theory
  96. Reflexive passive
  97. Reflexive possessive
  98. Reflexive pronoun
  99. Reflexive voice
  100. Refrain
  101. Refugees
  102. Reggae
  103. Regional language
  104. Register (language acquisition)
  105. Register (language teaching)
  106. Register (lex.)
  107. Register (psycholing.)
  108. Register (sociolinguistics)
  109. Register (stylistics)
  110. Register (theory of language)
  111. Register (translation)
  112. Register tier theory
  113. Regressive Imagery Dictionary
  114. Regret (speech act)
  115. Rehilamiento
  116. Rehit Task
  117. Reinforcement (artificial intelligence)
  118. Reinforcement (language acquisition)
  119. Reinforcement (language therapy)
  120. Reinforcement (psycholing.)
  121. Rejection
  122. Rejection (communication research)
  123. Relational grammar
  124. Relational pragmatics
  125. Relative clause
  126. Relative pronoun
  127. Relatives Task
  128. Relativism
  129. Relevance logic
  130. Relevance theory (pragm.)
  131. Reliability (method.)
  132. Religion (lex. f.)
  133. Religion (rhetor.)
  134. Religion (semiot.)
  135. Religious texts (translation)
  136. Rembarunga
  137. Reminder
  138. Remote Associates Test
  139. Remote interpreting
  140. Remotive
  141. Renaissance (logic)
  142. Renaissance (rhetor.)
  143. Renaissance (theory of language)
  144. Rendaku
  145. Rendille
  146. Renfrew Scales
  147. Reo Māòhi
  148. Repetition (discourse analysis)
  149. Repetition (graphem.)
  150. Repetition (hesitation phenomenon)
  151. Repetition (in idioms)
  152. Repetition (intensifying)
  153. Repetition (language acquisition)
  154. Repetition (language teaching)
  155. Repetition (psycholing.)
  156. Repetition (stylistics)
  157. Repetition (text constitution)
  158. Reply
  159. Report
  160. Reportage
  161. Reported speech
  162. Reported speech (pragm.)
  163. representation of USE State of affairs (representation of)
  164. Representatives
  165. Reprints
  166. Reproach
  167. Republic of Moldova
  168. Republic of the Congo
  169. Request
  170. Research equipment (phonet.)
  171. Research ethics
  172. research on USE Written composition (research on)
  173. Research projects
  174. Research techniques
  175. Resignation (speech act)
  176. Resígaro
  177. Resolution (text type)
  178. Response time (psycholing.)
  179. Restaurants (names of)
  180. Restructuring verbs
  181. Resultative
  182. Resumptive pronoun
  183. Retirement homes (names of)
  184. retranslation USE Translation (retranslation)
  185. Retrieval language
  186. Retroflex
  187. Rett syndrome
  188. Reunion Creole French
  189. Reverse dictionary
  190. Reversibility
  191. Review (text type)
  192. Reviews
  193. Revised Extended Standard Theory
  194. Revised Token Test
  195. Rewrite rule
  196. Rey's Auditory-Verbal Learning Test
  197. Reynell Developmental Language Scales
  198. Réunion
  199. Rhaetic
  200. Rhaeto-Romance