EARTh - Environmental Applications Reference Thesaurus

  1. B USE boron
  2. B horizon
  3. Ba USE barium
  4. back burn
  5. back fill
  6. back-arc basin
  7. background concentration
  8. background level
  9. background measurement
  10. background noise
  11. background pollution
  12. background radiation
  13. background radioactivity
  14. backshore
  15. backthrusting
  16. backwater
  17. backwater curve
  18. bacteria
  19. bacterial beds
  20. bacterial filters
  21. bactericides
  22. bacteriological pollution
  23. bacteriology
  24. bad smell
  25. bagasse
  26. balance
  27. balance of matter
  28. balance of nature
  29. balancing reservoirs
  30. ballistic separation USE ballistic sorting
  31. ballistic sorting
  32. balloon
  33. ban USE prohibition
  34. bands
  35. bank protection
  36. bank storage
  37. bankfull discharge
  38. bankfull stage
  39. banks
  40. banner species USE flagship species
  41. banner tree USE flag tree
  42. bans on the land-filling of specific recyclable materials
  43. barchan
  44. barenes
  45. barite
  46. barium
  47. bark
  48. barometer
  49. barometric pressure
  50. barrage
  51. barren lands USE fallow land
  52. barrier beach USE barrier beaches
  53. barrier beaches
  54. barrier ice USE ice pack
  55. barrier island
  56. barrier reefs
  57. barriers
  58. bars
  59. basalt flow
  60. basalt plateau
  61. basaltic lava
  62. basalts
  63. base runoff USE base flow
  64. base flow
  65. base surge
  66. base width
  67. baseline
  68. baseline emission
  69. baseline monitoring
  70. basement
  71. basic food requirements
  72. basic life support
  73. basic resources
  74. basicity USE alkalinity
  75. basidiomycetes
  76. basin analysis
  77. BAT USE best available technology
  78. batch process
  79. bathing
  80. bathing areas
  81. bathing freshwater
  82. bathing resorts
  83. bathing seawater
  84. bathing water
  85. batholiths
  86. bathyal environment USE deep-water environment
  87. bathyal zone
  88. bathymetric map
  89. bathymetry
  90. bats
  91. batteries
  92. battery cells
  93. battery disposal
  94. BAU scenario
  95. bauxite (minerals)
  96. bauxites
  97. bauxitization
  98. Bayesian analysis
  99. bays
  100. BBS USE bulletin board systems
  101. Be USE beryllium
  102. beach cleaning
  103. beach ridge
  104. beaches
  105. beaches restoration
  106. beaching of cetaceans USE cetacean stranding
  107. beacons
  108. bearing capacity
  109. Beaufort scale
  110. bed load
  111. bed sediment USE bed load
  112. bed soil
  113. bedding
  114. bedload discharge
  115. bedload traps
  116. bedrock
  117. beef cattle
  118. beetles
  119. behaviour
  120. behaviour of pesticides
  121. behaviour of substances
  122. behaviour pattern
  123. behavioural changes
  124. behavioural processes
  125. behavioural sciences
  126. belt of fluctuation
  127. benchmark
  128. benchmark stations
  129. bend
  130. beneficial organisms
  131. benefit to cost ratio
  132. benefit transfer
  133. benefits
  134. Benioff zone
  135. benomyl
  136. benthic division
  137. benthic ecosystem
  138. benthic environment
  139. benthic fauna
  140. benthic zone
  141. benthos
  142. benzene
  143. benzopyrene
  144. bereavement
  145. berm
  146. beryl
  147. beryllium
  148. best available techniques
  149. best available technology
  150. best environmental practice
  151. best management practice
  152. best practice
  153. beta radiation
  154. beverage industry
  155. beverages
  156. Bi USE bismuth
  157. biaxial
  158. bibliographic information
  159. bibliographic information system
  160. bicycle industry
  161. bicycles
  162. bifurcation ratio
  163. big game
  164. bilateral conventions
  165. bilge oil
  166. bilge water
  167. bilharzia
  168. bilharziasis USE schistosomiasis
  169. billeting
  170. binomial distribution
  171. bioaccumulation
  172. bioarchitecture
  173. bioassay
  174. bioavailability
  175. biocentrism
  176. biochemical analyses
  177. biochemical methods
  178. biochemical oxygen demand
  179. biochemical processes
  180. biochemical sedimentation
  181. biochemical substances
  182. biochemistry
  183. biochronology
  184. biocides
  185. bioclast
  186. bioclastic rocks
  187. bioclastic sedimentation
  188. bioclimate
  189. bioclimatic architecture
  190. bioclimatology
  191. biocoenosis
  192. bioconcentration
  193. bioconcentration factor
  194. biodegradability
  195. biodegradable plastic
  196. biodegradable pollutants
  197. biodegradation
  198. biodiesel
  199. biodiscs
  200. biodiversity