
  1. back scatter alignment
  2. background luminance
  3. background noise
  4. backscan mode
  5. backscatter
  6. backscatter (radar)
  7. backscatter coefficent
  8. backscattering USE backscatter
  9. balloon
  10. band
  11. band name
  12. band ratio
  13. band-elimination filter
  14. band-pass filter
  15. banding
  16. bands ratioing USE band ratio
  17. bands ratioing USE band ratio
  18. bandwidth
  19. bar scale
  20. base map
  21. base table
  22. base-height ratio
  23. basic land and property unit
  24. basic spatial unit
  25. batch file
  26. batch mode
  27. batch processing
  28. bathymetric map
  29. Bayesian estimate
  30. beam
  31. beam splitter
  32. beam velocity
  33. beam width
  34. beamwidth USE beam width
  35. behavioural processes
  36. benchmark testing
  37. best linear unbiased estimate
  38. beta nought
  39. Bhattacharyya distance
  40. BI USE bi-linear interpolation
  41. bi-linear interpolation
  42. bias
  43. bidirectional polarization distribution function
  44. bidirectional reflectance factor
  45. big data
  46. binary large object
  47. binary mask
  48. binomial distribution
  50. biochemical processes
  51. biological conditions
  52. biological processes
  53. bioluminescence
  54. bistatic imaging
  55. bit error
  56. bitmap
  57. black and white film
  58. black and white photography
  59. blackbody radiation
  60. BLAI USE brown leaf area index
  61. BLOB USE binary large object
  62. block adjustment
  63. block diagram
  64. block kriging
  65. blow-up / enlargement
  66. BLPU USE basic land and property unit
  67. BLUE USE best linear unbiased estimate
  68. blurring
  69. bolometer
  70. boolean expression
  71. boolean operations
  72. boolean operators
  73. boresighting
  74. boundary effects
  75. BPDF USE bidirectional polarization distribution function
  76. BPI USE byte per inch
  77. Bragg scattering
  78. breakline
  79. BRF USE bidirectional reflectance factor
  80. brightness
  81. brightness temperature
  82. brilliance USE brightness
  83. brown leaf area index
  84. browse data
  85. browse file
  86. brute force
  87. BSA USE back scatter alignment
  88. BSU USE basic spatial unit
  89. buffer zone
  90. buffering
  91. built complexes
  92. bus
  93. byte per inch