Digital Europa Thesaurus

  1. Maastricht Treaty USE Treaty on European Union
  2. machine design USE mechanical engineering
  3. machine learning
  4. machine translation
  5. machinery
  6. machinery industry USE mechanical engineering
  7. machinery production USE mechanical engineering
  8. macro-financial assistance
  9. macro-financial assistance to non-EU countries USE macro-financial assistance
  10. macroeconomics
  11. macrofinancial assistance USE macro-financial assistance
  12. macroprudential risk USE financial risk
  13. MAD USE market abuse
  14. made-up goods USE clothing industry
  15. mail USE postal service
  16. mail service USE postal service
  17. mainstreaming USE equal treatment
  18. maintenance claim USE maintenance obligation
  19. maintenance obligation
  20. maintenance payments USE maintenance obligation
  21. malaria
  22. malnutrition
  23. malt house USE beverage industry
  24. man
  25. man-made catastrophe USE man-made disaster
  26. man-made disaster
  27. man-made satellite USE satellite
  28. managed migration USE migration control
  29. managed migration statistics USE migration statistics
  30. management
  31. management accounting
  32. management and labour USE social partners
  33. management of fish resources USE fishery management
  34. management of human resources USE personnel administration
  35. management of resources
  36. management of the EU's external borders USE external border of the EU
  37. management of the European Union's external borders USE external border of the EU
  38. management of the external borders of the European Union USE external border of the EU
  39. Manouches USE Roma
  40. manpower USE labour force
  41. manpower flexibility USE labour flexibility
  42. manpower mobility USE labour mobility
  43. manpower service USE employment service
  44. manpower training USE vocational training
  45. manufacturer's trademark USE trademark
  46. manure gas USE biogas
  47. MAR USE market abuse
  48. marginalisation
  49. marginalization USE marginalisation
  50. marine and aquatic research
  51. marine economy USE maritime economy
  52. marine energy
  53. marine granulate USE underwater mineral resources
  54. marine pollution
  55. marital violence USE domestic violence
  56. maritime cabotage
  57. maritime connection USE maritime transport
  58. maritime economy
  59. maritime law
  60. maritime passenger rights USE passenger rights
  61. maritime safety
  62. maritime search and rescue USE search and rescue
  63. maritime security
  64. maritime shipping
  65. maritime surveillance
  66. maritime transport
  67. market abuse
  68. market abuse directive USE market abuse
  69. market abuse regulation USE market abuse
  70. market access
  71. market analysis USE market research
  72. market intelligence USE market research
  73. market research
  74. market risk USE financial risk
  75. marketing
  76. marketing campaign USE marketing
  77. marketing policy USE marketing
  78. marketing structure USE marketing
  79. marriage
  80. mass data USE big data
  81. mass media
  82. match fixing
  83. materials research
  84. matrimony USE marriage
  85. maximum weight USE weight and size
  86. means of agricultural production
  87. means of appeal USE appeal
  88. means of mass communication USE mass media
  89. means of redress USE appeal
  90. measures to combat discrimination USE anti-discriminatory measure
  91. meat
  92. meat from game USE game meat
  93. mechanical engineering
  94. mechanical engineering design USE mechanical engineering
  95. medal USE award
  96. media USE mass media
  97. media freedom USE freedom of the press
  98. media literacy USE digital skills
  99. medical and surgical instruments USE medical device
  100. medical apparatus USE medical device
  101. medical appliance USE medical device
  102. medical device
  103. medical education USE medical training
  104. medical equipment USE medical device
  105. medical ethics USE research ethics
  106. medical instrument USE medical device
  107. medical insurance USE health insurance
  108. medical law
  109. medical practice
  110. medical research
  111. medical scanner USE medical device
  112. medical science
  113. medical training
  114. medicament USE medicinal product
  115. medication USE medicinal product
  116. medicinal product
  117. medicinal product for veterinary use USE veterinary medicinal product
  118. Mediterranean basin USE Mediterranean region (EU)
  119. Mediterranean region (EU)
  120. member of the Commission USE European Commissioner
  121. Member of the European Parliament
  122. Member States' contribution
  123. men USE man
  124. mental health
  125. mental illness
  126. mercantile agency USE credit rating
  127. merger
  128. meta-information USE metadata
  129. metadata
  130. metadata registry USE metadata
  131. metadata repository USE metadata
  132. metainformation USE metadata
  133. metallurgical industry
  134. metallurgical production USE metallurgical industry
  135. metals
  136. meteorological forecast USE meteorology
  137. meteorology
  138. methane
  139. metrology
  140. MFA USE macro-financial assistance
  141. MFF USE multiannual financial framework
  142. micro-economics USE microeconomics
  143. microbiology USE biology
  144. microeconomics
  145. microelectronics
  146. microfinance
  147. micropollutant USE pollutant
  148. migrant
  149. migrant hotspot area
  150. migration
  151. migration control
  152. migration policy
  153. migration statistics
  154. migratory flow USE migratory movement
  155. migratory movement
  156. military USE armed forces
  157. military agreement USE military cooperation
  158. military aid USE military cooperation
  159. military cooperation
  160. military equipment
  161. military intervention
  162. military material USE military equipment
  163. military occupation
  164. military programme USE defence policy
  165. militia USE armed forces
  166. milk
  167. milk product
  168. milk production USE dairy production
  169. milk-replacer feed USE animal feedingstuffs
  170. mineral resources
  171. minimum global corporate tax USE global corporate tax
  172. mining industry
  173. mining of the sea-bed USE underwater mineral resources
  174. mining resources USE mineral resources
  175. minor USE young person
  176. miscarriage of justice
  177. misdemeanour USE offence
  178. misleading advertising USE advertising malpractice
  179. misleading claims USE advertising malpractice
  180. mitigation measure USE reduction of gas emissions
  181. mitigation of climate change USE reduction of gas emissions
  182. mitigation policy USE reduction of gas emissions
  183. ML USE machine learning
  184. mobile application development
  185. mobile communication
  186. mobile communications network USE mobile communication
  187. mobile communications system USE mobile communication
  188. mobile network USE mobile communication
  189. mobile network operator USE mobile communication
  190. mobile phone operator USE mobile communication
  191. mobile roaming USE roaming
  192. mobile telephone network USE mobile communication
  193. mobile telephony USE mobile communication
  194. mobility-handicapped person USE disabled person
  195. mode of enforcement USE enforcement of ruling
  196. molecular biology
  197. monetary convergence USE economic convergence
  198. money
  199. money laundering
  200. money market