Digital Europa Thesaurus

  1. wage earner
  2. wage gap USE equal pay
  3. war
  4. war material USE military equipment
  5. waste
  6. waste electrical and electronic equipment USE electronic waste
  7. waste management
  8. waste recycling
  9. waste treatment USE waste management
  10. water
  11. water conservation USE water protection
  12. water distribution USE water supply
  13. water policy
  14. water pollution
  15. water protection
  16. water supply
  17. watercourse
  18. wave energy
  19. weapon USE military equipment
  20. weapon of mass destruction
  21. weaving USE textile industry
  22. web USE Internet
  23. web development
  24. web of data USE semantic web
  25. wedlock USE marriage
  26. weedkiller USE herbicide
  27. weight and size
  28. Werner plan USE Economic and Monetary Union
  29. Werner report USE Economic and Monetary Union
  30. Western Balkan countries USE Western Balkans
  31. Western Balkan country USE Western Balkans
  32. Western Balkan region USE Western Balkans
  33. Western Balkans
  34. whistle blowing USE whistleblowing
  35. whistleblower USE whistleblowing
  36. whistleblowing
  37. white slave trade USE trafficking in human beings
  38. white slavery USE trafficking in human beings
  39. WHO USE World Health Organisation
  40. Wi-Fi
  41. wildfire
  42. wildfowl USE game meat
  43. wildland fire USE wildfire
  44. wildlife
  45. will USE inheritance
  46. wind energy
  47. wind power USE wind energy
  48. wine
  49. winegrowing industry USE beverage industry
  50. withdrawal from the EU
  51. withdrawal from the European Union USE withdrawal from the EU
  52. withdrawal of a Member State from the EU USE withdrawal from the EU
  53. withdrawal of employment USE job cuts
  54. withdrawal of judicial proceedings USE judicial proceedings
  55. withdrawing EU country USE withdrawal from the EU
  56. withdrawing EU Member State USE withdrawal from the EU
  57. WLB USE work-life balance
  58. woman
  59. women USE woman
  60. women's rights
  61. wood industry
  62. wood processing USE wood industry
  63. wood product
  64. woodland USE forest
  65. wool
  66. work contract
  67. work flexibility USE labour flexibility
  68. work permit
  69. work-family balance USE work-life balance
  70. work-life balance
  71. work-life integration USE work-life balance
  72. worker USE wage earner
  73. worker USE labour force
  74. worker exchange USE labour mobility
  75. worker safety USE occupational safety
  76. workers' association USE trade union
  77. workers' cooperative USE cooperative
  78. workers' education USE adult education
  79. workers' rights USE labour law
  80. workers' trade union USE trade union
  81. workforce flexibility USE labour flexibility
  82. working conditions
  83. World Bank
  84. World Bank Group USE World Bank
  85. world day USE public awareness campaign
  86. World Health Organisation
  87. World Health Organization USE World Health Organisation
  88. World Organisation for Animal Health
  89. World Organization for Animal Health USE World Organisation for Animal Health
  90. World Social Forum USE antiglobalisation movement
  91. world trade USE international trade
  92. World Trade Organisation
  93. World Trade Organization USE World Trade Organisation
  94. world year USE public awareness campaign
  95. writing practices USE writing skills
  96. writing skills
  97. WTO USE World Trade Organisation