Digital Humanities Thesaurus

Digital Humanities Thesaurus / Alyson Musser

Date of creation28/02/2015
Last change date27/04/2015
ScopeThe Digital Humanities Thesaurus is a subject thesaurus covering the topic of digital humanities, and it is intended to be used for indexing Digital Humanities projects and articles.

The terms in this thesaurus are arranged into hierarchical sections. Within each section terms are listed in alphabetical order.

There is a search bar in the upper right hand corner, and also an “Advanced Search” option in the top menu bar.

Notations Key
The thesaurus draws on several keys and abbreviations to denote relationships between terms, defined below:

<>: Indicates that this term is a “meta-term” meaning it is only used for hierarchical purposes, and cannot be used for indexing.
BT: Broader Term – Indicates the “parent” of the term, in the hierarchical tree structure.
NT: Narrower Term – Indicates the “child” of the term, in the hierarchical tree structure.
RT: Related Term – Indicates any terms that are related in meaning or in scope to the term being viewed.
USE: Use reference - Indicates that the current terms is "Non-preferred" and that it should not be used for indexing purposes.

Parenthesis in terms are qualifiers that clarify the meaning of the term. The parentheses are part of the full term.

If you have any issues or term suggestions, please contact
Terms7568 Show recent changes
    Alternative terms323
    Hierarchical relationships7238
    Associative relationships8188
    Scope note126
    Powered byTemaTres 3.3

    Reference sources

    Global organization of the vocabulary

    Terms for each depth level

    # of termsDeep level12345678910050010001500200025003000

    Preferred terms / Alternative terms

    Preferred terms (95.91%)Alternative terms (4.09%)

    Hierarchical relationships / Associative relationships

    Hierarchical relationships (46.92%)Associative relationships (53.08%)