Eurovoc, the EU's multilingual thesaurus

  1. IAEA USE International Atomic Energy Agency
  2. IAEA inspection USE nuclear safety
  3. Ialomita
  4. Iasi
  5. IATA
  6. IBE USE International Bureau of Education
  7. Iberian lynx USE lynx
  8. IBRD USE International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  9. ICAO USE International Civil Aviation Organisation
  10. ICC USE International Criminal Court
  11. ice
  12. icebreaker
  13. Iceland
  14. ICFTU USE International Trade Union Confederation
  15. ICJ USE International Court of Justice
  16. ICM USE International Organisation for Migration
  17. ICME USE International Organisation for Migration
  18. ICNAF USE North-West Atlantic Fisheries Organisation
  19. ICPO USE Interpol
  20. ICPO USE Interpol
  21. ICRC USE Red Cross
  22. ICSID USE International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
  23. ICT USE International Criminal Tribunal
  24. ICTR USE International Criminal Tribunal
  25. ICTY USE International Criminal Tribunal
  26. IDA USE International Development Association
  27. IDB USE Inter-American Development Bank
  28. identification checks USE police checks
  29. identity card USE identity document
  30. identity document
  31. IEA USE International Energy Agency
  32. IES USE Joint Research Centre
  33. IFAD USE International Fund for Agricultural Development
  34. IFC USE International Finance Corporation
  35. IFLA
  36. IFRC USE Red Cross
  37. IGC USE EC Intergovernmental Conference
  38. IHPC USE Joint Research Centre
  39. IIEP USE International Institute for Educational Planning
  40. ILC USE International Labour Conference
  41. Ile-de-France
  42. ill-treated child USE child protection
  43. illegal abortion
  44. illegal building
  45. illegal construction USE illegal building
  46. illegal employment USE moonlighting
  47. illegal immigration USE illegal migration
  48. illegal migration
  49. illegal restraint
  50. illegal trade practice USE restriction on competition
  51. illegal work USE moonlighting
  52. illegality USE legality
  53. illegitimate child USE natural child
  54. illicit trade
  55. illicit worker USE clandestine worker
  56. illiteracy
  57. illness
  58. ILO (International Labour Office) USE International Labour Office
  59. ILO (International Labour Organisation) USE International Labour Organisation
  60. image
  61. IMF USE International Monetary Fund
  62. immediate applicability USE direct applicability
  63. immediate effect USE direct applicability
  64. immigrant USE migrant
  65. immigrant worker USE migrant worker
  66. immigration
  67. immovable property USE real property
  68. immunology
  69. IMO USE International Maritime Organisation
  70. IMP USE Integrated Mediterranean Programmes
  71. impact of advertising
  72. impact of informatics USE impact of information technology
  73. impact of information technology
  74. impact study
  75. IMPEL USE environmental law
  76. IMPEL network USE environmental law
  77. Imperiali method USE allocation of seats
  78. imperialism
  79. implant USE medical device
  80. implement USE tool industry
  81. Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law USE environmental law
  82. implementation of Community law USE national implementation of Community law
  83. implementation of EC Directives USE national implementing measure
  84. implementation of the budget
  85. implementation of the law USE application of the law
  86. implementing Regulation
  87. import
  88. import authorisation USE import licence
  89. import ban USE import restriction
  90. import certificate USE import licence
  91. import credit
  92. import customs debt USE customs debt
  93. import levy
  94. import licence
  95. import monopoly
  96. import permit USE import licence
  97. import policy
  98. import price
  99. import refund
  100. import restriction
  101. import substitution
  102. import surcharge USE import tax
  103. import tax
  104. imposed price
  105. imprisonment
  106. improvement of housing
  107. improvement of living conditions USE living conditions
  108. improvement of market conditions USE market stabilisation
  109. improvement of plant varieties USE plant breeding
  110. improvement of soils USE soil improvement
  111. improvement of the environment USE quality of the environment
  112. improvement of the housing environment USE improvement of housing
  113. improvement of the residential environment USE improvement of housing
  114. improvement of the residential milieu USE improvement of housing
  115. improvement of working conditions USE humanisation of work
  116. impunity
  117. in country USE participating country
  118. in-home selling USE door-to-door selling
  119. in-service training
  120. inactive USE non-working population
  121. incandescent lamp USE lighting equipment
  122. incapacity for work
  123. INCB USE International Narcotics Control Board
  124. incendiary weapon
  125. incentive pay USE piece work pay
  126. incentive to repent USE repentance
  127. inclusion in the budget
  128. inclusion on the electoral register USE registration of voters
  129. inclusive tour
  130. income
  131. income derived from work USE remuneration of work
  132. income in addition to normal pay
  133. income stabilisation
  134. income stabilization USE income stabilisation
  135. income support USE aid to disadvantaged groups
  136. income tax USE tax on income
  137. incomes policy
  138. incompatibility
  139. incorporation
  140. incoterms
  141. increase in production
  142. incunabula
  143. indebtedness
  144. indemnification
  145. indemnity USE indemnification
  146. indemnity insurance
  147. independence of disabled persons USE independence of the disabled
  148. independence of the disabled
  149. independence of the judiciary
  150. independence of the justice system USE independence of the judiciary
  151. independent USE self-employed person
  152. independent member USE non-attached member
  153. independent retailer
  154. independent school USE private education
  155. Independent State of Papua New Guinea USE Papua New Guinea
  156. Independent State of Samoa USE Samoa
  157. independent trade USE independent retailer
  158. indexing of pay USE wage indexing
  159. India
  160. India-Pakistan conflict USE Kashmir question
  161. India-Pakistan dispute USE Kashmir question
  162. India-Pakistan question USE Kashmir question
  163. Indian Ocean
  164. Indian Ocean Region USE Indian Ocean
  165. Indian Subcontinent USE South Asia
  166. indicative planning USE economic planning
  167. indigenous people USE indigenous population
  168. indigenous population
  169. indirect democracy USE representative democracy
  170. indirect election
  171. indirect tax
  172. indium USE special metal
  173. Indonesia
  174. indoor livestock farming
  175. industrial accident USE occupational accident
  176. industrial accident insurance USE occupational accident insurance
  177. industrial action USE labour dispute
  178. industrial bakery USE bakery
  179. industrial bank USE finance house
  180. industrial building
  181. industrial business USE industrial enterprise
  182. industrial capital
  183. industrial change USE industrial restructuring
  184. industrial chemistry
  185. industrial company USE industrial enterprise
  186. industrial concentration
  187. industrial consumption USE intermediate consumption
  188. industrial conversion
  189. industrial cooperation
  190. industrial counterfeiting
  191. industrial credit
  192. industrial crop USE agro-industrial cropping
  193. industrial data processing
  194. industrial delocalisation USE offshoring
  195. industrial democracy USE worker participation
  196. industrial design USE designs and models
  197. industrial development
  198. industrial development area USE industrial-free zone
  199. industrial disease USE occupational disease
  200. industrial dispute USE labour dispute