Eurovoc, the EU's multilingual thesaurus

  1. S.M. steel furnace USE furnace
  2. SAA USE stabilisation and association agreement
  3. SAARC USE South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
  4. SAARC countries
  5. Saarland
  6. Saba
  7. Sabah USE Malaysia
  8. sabbatical leave USE special leave
  9. saccharine USE food substitute
  10. sacred text
  11. sacred writings USE sacred text
  12. SACU USE Southern African Customs Union
  13. SAD USE single document
  14. SADC USE Southern African Development Community
  15. safeguard clause USE protective clause
  16. safeguarding jobs USE job security
  17. safeguarding peace USE peacekeeping
  18. safety at sea USE maritime safety
  19. safety at the workplace USE occupational safety
  20. safety belt USE safety device
  21. safety device
  22. safety in the home USE accident in the home
  23. safety of food USE food safety
  24. safety of individuals USE public safety
  25. safety of nuclear installations USE nuclear safety
  26. safety of nuclear power stations USE nuclear safety
  27. safety standard
  28. safety stock USE minimum stock
  29. Sahara USE desert
  30. Sahel
  31. Sahel countries USE Sahel
  32. sailor USE crew
  33. Saint Barthélémy USE Saint Barthélemy
  34. Saint Barthélemy
  35. Saint Christopher and Nevis USE Saint Kitts and Nevis
  36. Saint Eustatius
  37. Saint Helena
  38. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  39. Saint Lucia
  40. Saint Marcellin USE soft cheese
  41. Saint Martin
  42. Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  43. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  44. Saint-Paul Island USE French Southern and Antarctic Territories
  45. salad vegetable USE leaf vegetable
  46. Salaj
  47. salary USE pay
  48. sale
  49. sale of objects belonging to the national heritage USE art trade
  50. sales agent
  51. sales aid
  52. sales assistant USE sales staff
  53. sales ban USE market approval
  54. sales campaign USE sales promotion
  55. sales network USE distributive trades
  56. sales occupation
  57. sales promotion
  58. sales representative
  59. sales staff
  60. salicylic acid USE organic acid
  61. salinisation USE desertification
  62. salsify USE root vegetable
  63. salt
  64. SALT Agreement
  65. salt water USE saltwater
  66. salted food USE salted product
  67. salted foodstuff USE salted product
  68. salted product
  69. saltwater
  70. salvage grant USE aid to undertakings
  71. Salzburg
  72. Samoa
  73. sample survey
  74. sampling
  75. San Marino
  76. sandwich training USE vocational training
  77. São Tomé and Príncipe
  78. Sapard USE pre-accession aid
  79. SAPS USE single payment scheme
  80. Sarawak USE Malaysia
  81. Sardinia
  82. satellite
  83. satellite communications
  84. satellite navigation
  85. satellite town
  86. Satu Mare
  87. Saudi Arabia
  88. sauerkraut USE vegetable product
  89. sausage USE meat product
  90. savings
  91. savings and loan association USE mortgage bank
  92. savings bank
  93. Savinjska
  94. sawdust USE wood residue
  95. sawing industry USE sawmill
  96. sawmill
  97. Saxony
  98. Saxony-Anhalt
  99. Sbrinz USE hard cheese
  100. SBS USE building safety
  101. scallion USE bulb vegetable
  102. scallop USE mollusc
  103. scam USE economic offence
  104. Scandinavia USE Northern Europe
  105. Scandinavian Council USE Nordic Council
  106. Scandinavian country USE Northern Europe
  107. scanner
  108. Schengen Agreement
  109. Schengen Information System
  110. Schleswig-Holstein
  111. schnapps USE spirits
  112. scholarship USE education grant
  113. school USE educational institution
  114. school abroad
  115. school absence USE school attendance
  116. school administration USE educational administration
  117. school age
  118. school attendance
  119. school book USE school textbook
  120. school canteen
  121. school curriculum USE teaching curriculum
  122. school dropout USE dropout
  123. school environment
  124. school expenses USE school fees
  125. school fees
  126. school for handicapped children USE special education
  127. school for the blind USE special education
  128. school for the deaf USE special education
  129. school inspection
  130. school legislation
  131. school life
  132. school materials USE teaching materials
  133. school medicine
  134. school results
  135. school subjects USE teaching curriculum
  136. school system USE educational system
  137. school textbook
  138. school transport
  139. school-industry relations
  140. school-working life relations
  141. schooling
  142. schools broadcast USE distance learning
  143. schoolwork
  144. Schuman Declaration USE history of Europe
  145. Schuman plan USE history of Europe
  146. SCIENCE
  147. science of measurement USE metrology
  148. science park USE technology park
  149. Scientific and Technical Options Assessment USE technology assessment
  150. Scientific and Technical Research Committee
  151. scientific apparatus
  152. scientific assessment USE scientific report
  153. scientific calculation
  154. scientific cooperation
  155. scientific discovery
  156. scientific documentation USE documentation
  157. scientific education
  158. scientific exchange
  159. scientific information USE scientific press
  160. scientific instrument USE scientific apparatus
  161. scientific library
  162. scientific material USE scientific apparatus
  163. scientific opinion USE scientific report
  164. scientific policy USE research policy
  165. scientific press
  166. scientific profession
  167. scientific progress
  168. scientific report
  169. scientific research
  170. scientific staff USE scientific profession
  171. scientific training USE scientific education
  172. scientist USE scientific profession
  173. scintigraphy USE medical diagnosis
  174. scooter USE two-wheeled vehicle
  175. Scotland
  176. scout plane USE military aircraft
  177. scrap USE metal waste
  178. scrap metal USE metal waste
  179. screen
  180. screening for disease USE disease prevention
  181. screening for illness USE disease prevention
  182. screw USE bolt and screw industry
  183. sculptor USE artistic profession
  184. sculpture
  185. SDI USE strategic defence
  186. SDR USE special drawing rights
  187. sea
  188. sea fish
  189. sea fishing
  190. sea letter USE ship's passport
  191. sea transport USE maritime transport
  192. sea transport connection USE maritime transport
  193. sea transport safety USE maritime safety
  194. sea-bed
  195. sea-going personnel USE crew
  196. seagoing traffic USE maritime transport
  197. seal
  198. seaplane base USE airport
  199. seaport USE harbour installation
  200. search