TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe

  1. laboratory
  2. labour
  3. labour contract USE employment contract
  4. labour law USE employment law
  5. labour market
  6. labour market entry USE transition from school to work
  7. labour relations
  8. Ladin
  9. laicism USE secularism
  10. language
  11. language barrier
  12. language community USE linguistic community
  13. language immersion USE Content and Language Integrated Learning
  14. language impairment
  15. language laboratory
  16. language learning USE language teaching
  17. language minority
  18. language of instruction USE teaching language
  19. language of Moselle region USE Moselle Franconian
  20. language policy
  21. language sciences USE linguistics
  22. language skills
  23. language support
  24. language teaching
  25. Languages
  26. languedociano
  27. Languedocien USE Oc
  28. lapón
  29. Latin
  30. Latin America
  31. Latinoamérica
  32. Latvia
  33. Latvian
  34. law USE legislation
  35. law studies
  36. lay inspector USE inspector
  37. leaflet
  38. league table USE institutional ranking
  39. learner autonomy USE independent learning
  40. learner disengagement USE dropout
  41. learning
  42. learning conditions USE learning context
  43. learning context
  44. learning credits USE credit system
  45. learning difficulty
  46. learning environment USE learning context
  47. learning module USE modular course
  48. learning needs USE learning difficulty
  49. learning object
  50. learning objective USE teaching objective
  51. learning outcome
  52. learning pace
  53. learning pathway USE school career
  54. learning process
  55. learning standard
  56. learning strategy
  57. learning support USE curriculum support
  58. learning support class USE curriculum support class
  59. learning theory
  60. learning to learn
  61. leave
  62. leave of absence
  63. leaving certificate USE school-leaving certificate
  64. lección
  65. lección magistral
  66. lectura de labios
  67. lecture
  68. legal status
  69. legal text
  70. legibilidad de las cualificaciones
  71. legislación comunitaria
  72. legislación en materia de empleo
  73. legislation
  74. legislative body
  75. legislative power
  76. leisure
  77. leisure activities
  78. leisure education
  79. leisure facilities
  80. leisure time USE leisure
  81. length of compulsory education USE duration of compulsory education
  82. length of service
  83. length of studies USE duration of studies
  84. length of the academic year USE duration of the academic year
  85. length of the school year USE duration of the school year
  86. lengua cooficial
  87. lengua de instrucción
  88. lengua de la región del Mosela
  89. lengua de minorías
  90. lengua estatal
  91. lengua nativa
  92. lengua vehicular
  93. lenguaje de signos
  94. lenguas célticas
  95. lenguas extranjeras
  96. lenguas gaélicas
  97. lenguas modernas
  98. lenguas románicas
  99. lenguas túrcicas
  100. Leonardo da Vinci
  101. lesson
  102. lesson preparation
  103. Lëtzebuergesch USE Luxembourgeois
  104. Letzeburgesch USE Luxembourgeois
  105. level of authority USE educational authority
  106. level of education
  107. level of qualification
  108. level of study USE level of education
  109. lexicología
  110. lexicon
  111. ley
  112. ley comunitaria
  113. liberal arts USE humanities
  114. libertad de cátedra
  115. librarian
  116. library
  117. libro del alumno
  118. libro escolar
  119. licencia por enfermedad
  120. licenciado
  121. licenciatura
  122. Liechtenstein
  123. lifelong learning
  124. Lifelong Learning Programme USE Integrated Action Programme for Lifelong Learning
  125. lifewide learning USE lifelong learning
  126. limited-term contract USE fixed-term contract
  127. limpieza
  128. línea de actuación
  129. Lingua
  130. linguistic community
  131. linguistic diversity
  132. linguistic exchange USE exchange visit
  133. linguistic visit USE exchange visit
  134. linguistics
  135. linked work and training USE alternance training
  136. lip-reading
  137. Lisbon Strategy
  138. listening
  139. literacy
  140. literature
  141. Lithuania
  142. Lithuanian
  143. living standard USE standard of living
  144. loan
  145. local authority USE local level
  146. local community
  147. local environment USE local community
  148. local level
  149. logopeda
  150. logro educativo
  151. looked after children USE children in public care
  152. Lower Saxony
  153. lower secondary
  154. lusaciano
  155. Luxembourg
  156. Luxembourgeois
  157. Luxembourgish USE Luxembourgeois
  158. Luxemburgish USE Luxembourgeois