TESE - Thesaurus for Education Systems in Europe

  1. Tajikistan
  2. talented USE gifted
  3. Taoism
  4. tarea
  5. tareas para casa
  6. tasa de escolaridad
  7. tasa de escolarización
  8. tasas de inscripción
  9. tasas de matriculación
  10. task USE responsibility
  11. taught time
  12. tax exemption USE tax relief
  13. tax relief
  14. TCE
  15. teacher
  16. teacher appraisal USE evaluation of teachers
  17. teacher association
  18. teacher autonomy
  19. teacher education
  20. teacher education institution
  21. teacher education model
  22. teacher improvement USE in-service teacher training
  23. teacher mobility
  24. teacher oversupply USE teacher surplus
  25. teacher participation
  26. teacher pension USE pension
  27. teacher placement USE teacher recruitment
  28. teacher recruitment
  29. teacher replacement USE substitute staff
  30. teacher salary
  31. teacher shortage
  32. teacher status
  33. teacher surplus
  34. teacher training USE teacher education
  35. teacher training college USE teacher education institution
  36. teacher training institution USE teacher education institution
  37. teacher transfer
  38. teacher working time
  39. teacher workload USE teacher working time
  40. teacher-pupil-relation USE teacher-student relation
  41. teacher-student relation
  42. teachers' guide
  43. teaching
  44. teaching aid USE teaching resources
  45. Teaching and Learning (Processes and Methodology)
  46. teaching equipment USE teaching resources
  47. teaching experience USE teaching practice
  48. teaching language
  49. teaching load
  50. teaching material USE teaching resources
  51. teaching media USE teaching resources
  52. teaching method
  53. teaching methodology USE teaching method
  54. teaching objective
  55. teaching period USE lesson
  56. teaching personnel USE teaching staff
  57. teaching practice
  58. teaching profession
  59. teaching programme USE curriculum
  60. teaching qualification
  61. teaching quality
  62. teaching resources
  63. teaching software USE educational software
  64. teaching staff
  65. teaching subject USE curriculum subject
  66. teaching target USE teaching objective
  67. teaching time USE teaching load
  68. team work
  69. teatro
  70. technical education
  71. technological sciences USE technology
  72. technology
  73. tecnologías de la información y la comunicación
  74. telecommunication
  75. teleenseñanza
  76. teleformación
  77. television USE mass media
  78. televisión
  79. temporary employment USE temporary work
  80. temporary job USE temporary work
  81. temporary work
  82. Tempus
  83. tendencia
  84. teología
  85. teoría pedagógica
  86. Tercer Estudio Internacional de Matemáticas y Ciencias
  87. term (period)
  88. terminación del empleo
  89. terminal USE computer
  90. terminal
  91. termination of employment
  92. terminology
  93. Territories of the former Yugoslavia
  94. tertiary education USE higher education
  95. tertiary education course USE higher education course
  96. tesis doctoral
  97. test USE examination
  98. test
  99. test estandarizado
  100. test normalizado
  101. textbook
  102. texto legal
  103. theology USE religious education
  104. Theory of Education
  105. therapy
  106. thesaurus
  107. thesis
  108. thinking skills USE critical sense
  109. Third International Mathematics and Science Study USE TIMSS
  110. Thuringia
  111. tiempo de servicio
  112. tiempo de trabajo
  113. tiempo lectivo
  114. tiempo libre
  115. time series
  116. time taught USE taught time
  117. timetable
  118. TIMSS
  119. tipo de evaluación
  120. titulación
  121. titulación académica
  122. titulación de acceso
  123. titulación de educación general
  124. titulación de educación superior
  125. titulación de enseñanza superior
  126. título
  127. título de Doctor
  128. título de estudios universitarios de primer ciclo
  129. título oficial de Máster
  130. TJCE
  131. toma de decisiones en materia de política educativa
  132. top level authority USE national level
  133. tourism
  134. toxicomanía
  135. trabajador
  136. trabajador itinerante
  137. trabajo eventual
  138. trabajos prácticos
  139. trade union
  140. trainee
  141. trainee teacher
  142. traineeship USE apprenticeship
  143. trainer
  144. training centre
  145. training course USE training programme
  146. training need
  147. training participation rate USE education participation rate
  148. training personnel USE trainer
  149. training programme
  150. training type
  151. training-employment contract USE employment contract
  152. training-employment relation
  153. training-employment relationship USE training-employment relation
  154. transfer
  155. transfer between branches of education
  156. transfer of funds
  157. transferencia de competencias
  158. transferencia financiera
  159. transferibilidad de titulaciones
  160. transferibilidad de títulos
  161. transición a la vida activa
  162. transición a la vida profesional
  163. transición de la escuela al mundo laboral
  164. transición de la escuela infantil al centro de primaria
  165. transición del centro de primaria al de secundaria inferior
  166. transition between levels of education
  167. transition from lower to upper secondary education
  168. transition from lower to upper secondary school USE transition from lower to upper secondary education
  169. transition from pre-primary to primary education
  170. transition from pre-school to primary school USE transition from pre-primary to primary education
  171. transition from primary to lower secondary education
  172. transition from primary to lower secondary school USE transition from primary to lower secondary education
  173. transition from school to employment USE transition from school to work
  174. transition from school to work
  175. transition from upper secondary to higher education
  176. transition to working life USE transition from school to work
  177. transnational evaluation USE international evaluation
  178. transparency of qualifications
  179. transversal competences USE cross-curricular competences
  180. traslado
  181. traslado de profesores
  182. trastornos del habla
  183. tratamiento de datos
  184. tratamiento de la información
  185. trayectoria escolar
  186. trayectoria profesional
  187. treaty
  188. trend USE time series
  189. trial period
  190. Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas
  191. trimester USE term (period)
  192. trimestre
  193. truancy USE absenteeism
  194. tuition fees
  195. Turkey
  196. Turkic languages
  197. Turkish
  198. Turkmenistan
  199. tutor
  200. tutorial USE tutorial system