JEL Classification System / EconLit Subject Descriptors

  1. Railroads and Other Surface Transportation
  2. Rationing; Licensing
  3. Real Estate Law
  4. Real Estate Markets, Spatial Production Analysis, and Firm Location: General
  5. Real Estate Markets, Spatial Production Analysis, and Firm Location: Other
  6. Real Estate Services
  7. Recreational Aspects of Natural Resources
  8. Regional and Urban History: Africa; Oceania
  9. Regional and Urban History: Asia including Middle East
  10. Regional and Urban History: Europe: 1913-
  11. Regional and Urban History: Europe: Pre-1913
  12. Regional and Urban History: General
  13. Regional and Urban History: Latin America; Caribbean
  14. Regional and Urban History: U.S.; Canada: 1913-
  15. Regional and Urban History: U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913
  16. Regional Development Planning and Policy
  17. Regional Economic Activity: Growth, Development, Environmental Issues, and Changes
  18. Regional Government Analysis: General
  19. Regional Government Analysis: Land Use and Other Regulations
  20. Regional Government Analysis: Other
  21. Regulated Industries and Administrative Law
  22. Regulation and Business Law: General
  23. Regulation and Business Law: Other
  24. Regulation and Industrial Policy: General
  25. Regulation and Industrial Policy: Other
  26. Related Disciplines
  27. Relation of Economics to Other Disciplines
  28. Relation of Economics to Social Values
  29. Remittances
  30. Renewable Resources and Conservation: Demand and Supply; Prices
  31. Renewable Resources and Conservation: Fishery; Aquaculture
  32. Renewable Resources and Conservation: Forestry
  33. Renewable Resources and Conservation: General
  34. Renewable Resources and Conservation: Government Policy
  35. Renewable Resources and Conservation: Issues in International Trade
  36. Renewable Resources and Conservation: Land
  37. Renewable Resources and Conservation: Other
  38. Renewable Resources and Conservation: Water
  39. Resource Booms
  40. Retail and Wholesale Trade; e-Commerce
  41. Retirement; Retirement Policies
  42. Returns to Education
  43. Role of Economics; Role of Economists; Market for Economists